Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Wisconsin)

Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of contaminated sediments in slip C Duluth Harbor, Minnesota / 1999
Characteristics of water, sediment, and benthic communities of the Wolf River, Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin, water years 1986-98 / 2001
Chemical composition of surficial sediment in Geneva Lake, Wisconsin. 2000
Combining satellite data with ancillary data to produce a refined land-use/land-cover map / 1998
Effects of a seasonally flooded freshwater wetland on water quality from an agricultural watershed / 1982
Environmental setting and implications for water quality in the western Lake Michigan drainages / 1997
Environmental setting of the upper Illinois River Basin and implications for water quality 1999
Environmental statement, Milwaukee diked disposal area Wisconsin 1972
Executive summary to survey of sediment quality in the Duluth/Superior harbor : 1993 sampling results / 1997
Green Bay - Fox River mass balance study : executive summary / 1988
Ground water quality atlas of Wisconsin 1981
Ground-water quality in Wisconsin through 1972, 1973
Hydrology and water quality of Geneva Lake, Walworth County, Wisconsin / 2002
Impacts of phosphorus on streams / 1984
Long-term effects of land application of domestic wastewater : Milton, Wisconsin, Rapid Infiltration Site / 1979
Lower Green Bay : an evaluation of existing and historical conditions / 1974
Nonpoint source monitoring program for Wisconsin rivers tributary to Lake Michigan 1984
Nutritional Ecology and Community Structure of the Phytoplankton of Green Bay. 1971
Phosphorus and high-flow assessment for regional treatment standards : summary of project reports, conclusions and recommendations. 1985
Pollution of Lake Michigan and Its Tributary Basin. Proceedings of Conference, Session (3rd) (Reconvened), Held at Chicago, Illinois, on March 24-25, 1971. Volume 1. 1971
Preliminary studies on a biological filter / 1971
Report of an investigation of the pollution of the Peshtigo River and its tributaries made during 1968 / 1969
Report on an investigation of the pollution in the Lake Superior drainage basin made during 1965 and early 1966. 1966
Report on an investigation of the pollution in the lower Wisconsin River drainage basin made during 1965 1966
Report on an investigation of the pollution of the Menominee River and its tributaries in Wisconsin made during 1961 and early 1962. 1962
Report on an investigation of the pollution of the Peshtigo River and its tributaries made during 1961 and early 1962. 1962
Report on assessment of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources ambient water quality monitoring network / 1986
Report on Okauchee Lake, Waukesha County, Wisconsin : EPA region V / 1975
Results of quality-control sampling of water, bed sediment, and tissue in the Western Lake Michigan Drainages study unit of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1997
Section 319 nonpoint source program success story Wisconsin : phosphorus reductions in Bass Lake restore fishery / {electronic resource} : 2005
Sediment assessment of hotspot areas in the Duluth/Superior harbor / 1997
Stream habitat characteristics of fixed sites in the western Lake Michigan drainages, Wisconsin and Michigan, 1993-95 / 1997
Surface-water-quality assessment of the Upper Illinois River Basin in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin : pesticides and other synthetic organic compounds in water, sediment, and biota, 1975-90 / 1998
Surface-water-resources information for the Ho-Chunk Nation lands and vicinity, Wisconsin / 2003
Survey of sediment quality in the Duluth/Superior harbor : 1993 sampling results / 1997
Toxicity Of Some Industrial Effluents And Their Effects Upon Fox River Water Quality 1980
Trends in streamflow, sedimentation, and sediment chemistry for the Wolf River, Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin, 1850-1999 / 2005
Using a biotic index to evaluate water quality in streams / 1982
Water quality and flow of streams in northeastern Wisconsin. 1970
Water quality and restoration of the lower Oconto River, Oconto County, Wisconsin 1989
Water quality of the Fox River and four tributaries in Green Lake County, Wisconsin, 2001-2002 / 2003
Water quality, hydrology, and phosphorus loading to Little St. Germain Lake, Wisconsin, with special emphasis on the effects of winter aeration and ground-water inputs / 2005
Water-quality assessment of part of the Upper Mississippi River Basin Study Unit, Minnesota and Wisconsin : nutrients, chlorophyll a, phytoplankton, and suspended sediment in streams, 1996-98 / 2003
Water-resources investigations in Wisconsin, 2004 / 2004
Water-resources-related information for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Planning area, Wisconsin, 1970-2002 / 2004
Wisconsin ... water quality inventory report to Congress. 1975
Wisconsin water quality ... report to Congress. 1982
Wisconsin's Lake Superior Basin water quality study : a joint hydrologic study / 1974
Wisconsin's Lake Superior basin water quality study; 1973
Wisconsin. 2000

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