Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality United States Measurement)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to the Office of Water accountability system and regional evaluations, FY 1992 / 1991
A manual of analytical methods for wastewaters, Oil shale retort waters / 1984
A mathematical model of benthic plants in the Snake River / 1994
Ambient water-quality monitoring in the United States : first year review, evaluation, and recommendations : a report to the Office of Management and Budget / 1992
An evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
An overview of sediment quality in the United States : final report / 1987
Are the "national guidelines" based on sound judgments? / 1984
At a Glance : Oversight of North Carolina's Renewals of Thermal Variances. 2011
Background paper : use support assessment methods / 1990
Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. 2014
Compilations and evaluations of technical literature related to water quality : parameters, analytical methods for analysis, analytical modeling methods, and water quality management ; final report for the Texas Water Quality Board / 1972
Computerized stratified random site-selection approaches for design of a ground-water-quality sampling network 1990
Concepts for a National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1989
Design of the national water-quality assessment program : occurrence and distribution of water-quality conditions / 1995
Development of health-based screening levels for use in state- or local-scale water-quality assessments 2003
Dip Into : volunteer monitoring with the Great North America Secchi Dip-In. 2003
Drinking water inspector's field reference : for use when conducting a sanitary survey of a small surface water system. 2003
Drinking water inspectors's field guide : for use when conducting a sanitary survey of a small groundwater system. 1998
Drinking water inspectors's field guide : for use when conducting a sanitary survey of a small surface water system. 1998
Drinking water inspectors's field reference : for use when conducting a sanitary survey of a small ground water system / 2004
Drinking water progress review workshop for the 1995-1998 science to achieve results (STAR) grants : December 8-9, 1998, Arlington, Virginia / 1998
Eastern Lake survey, phase 1 : quality assurance plan / 1985
Eastern Lake survey, phase 1 : quality assurance report / 1987
Economic losses from marine pollution : a handbook for assessment / 2001
Elements of a state water monitoring and assessment program. 2003
EMAP surface waters : Mid-Atlantic highlands, 1993 streams data summary. 1995
EMAP-surface waters 1991 pilot report / 1993
Emerging contaminants, forever chemicals, and more : challenges to water quality, public health, and communities : remote hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Seventeenth Congress, first session, October 6, 2021. 2022
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters and Region 3 regional environmental monitoring and assessment program : 1994 pilot field operations and methods manual for streams / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / [microform] : 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program- surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of non-wadeable rivers and streams / 2000
Errata for the effluent and receiving water toxicity testing manuals : acute toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater and marine organisms ; short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity of effluents and receiving waters to freshwater organisms ; and short-term methods for estimating the chronic toxicity effluents and receiving waters to marine and estuarine organisms. 1999
Evaluation of calcium sensors in fresh- and saltwater / 1979
Evaluation of selected information on splitting devices for water samples / 1996
Final guidance for implementation of requirements under Section 304(1) of the Clean Water Act as amended. 1988
Guidance and clarification on the use of detection limits in compliance monitoring / 1998
Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and regional evaluations, FY 1990. 1989
Guidelines for deriving numerical national water quality criteria for the Protection of aquatic life and its uses / 1983
Guidelines for deriving numerical national water quality criteria for the protection of aquatic organisms and their uses / 1985
How to conduct a sanitary survey of small water systems : a learner's guide. 2003
Image processing developments and applications for water quality monitoring and trophic state determination 1982
Information Collection Rule data analysis 2002
Interim NPDES compliance biomonitoring inspection manual. 1979
Interpreting and reporting radiological water-quality data / 2008
Investigation of criteria for GWUDI determination 2001
Laboratory certification for water quality parameters / 1992
Learner's guide : how to conduct a sanitary survey of small water systems. 1998
Learner's guide to security considerations for small drinking water systems : major security considerations when performing a sanitary survey of a small water system / 2003
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