Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Standards California)

Select Item Title Year Published
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
Final environmental impact report : amendment of the water quality control plan, ocean waters of California. 1983
Final report on evaluation of water quality standards in California, Maryland, Ohio, and Oregon : case studies, 1965-1972 / 1974
Linking nutrients to alterations in aquatic life in California wadeable streams / 2014
State of California water quality standards : summary / 1970
State water quality standards summary : California. 1988
The State of the Bay Conference, June 4, 1982 : proceedings / 1982
Water quality control plan, ocean waters of California. 1983
Water quality standards : proposed withdrawal of aquatic life copper and nikel criteria in South San Francisco Bay, California. 2003

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