Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Puerto Rico)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Study of coastal water quality in the vicinity of San Juan, Puerto Rico : January 13-31, 1971 / 1970
Biochemical and bacteriological determinations on selected Puerto Rico surface waters. 1971
Chemical quality of public water supplies of the United States and Puerto Rico, 1962 : shown as statewide averages, mainly in graphic and tabular form / 1964
Chemical, physical, biochemical, and bacteriological determinations in Lago Loiza, Puerto Rico, September 1973 - December 1974 1976
Chemical, physical, biochemical, and bacteriological determinations in Laguna Tortuguero, Puerto Rico, July 1974 - June 1975 1976
Compilation of water-quality data for the north coast limestone aquifers, Puerto Rico, 1951 to 1987 1988
Discharge and water quality of streams in the alluvial valleys of northeastern Puerto Rico, March 1994, Rio Espiritu Santo to Rio Demajagua 1995
Effect of San Juan's outfall discharges on bathing beach water quality / 1974
Environmental effects of petrochemical waste discharges on Tallaboa and Guayanilla Baus, Puerto Rico / 1971
Hydrology and water quality of the principal springs in Puerto Rico 1988
Point and nonpoint source pollutants loading study of the San Juan Bay Estuary, Puerto Rico (field sampling activities) / 1998
Puerto Rico ground-water quality 1987
Reconnaissance of volatile synthetic organic chemicals at public water supply wells throughout Puerto Rico, November 1984 - May 1985 1986
Single-well injection and recovery of freshwater from an aquifer containing saline water at Arecibo, Puerto Rico 1989
Study of Coastal Water Quality in the vicinity of San Juan, Puerto Rico, January 13-31, 1971. 1971
Surface-water, water-quality, and ground-water assessment of the Municipio of Comerio, Puerto Rico, 1997-99 2001
Water resources data Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 1983
Water supply and waste disposal, Culebra, Puerto Rico 1976

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