Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality California Delta Region)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced water treatment of estuarine water supplies / 2008
CALFED Bay-Delta Program : water quality program. 1998
CALFED no action alternative appendix 1998
CALFED phase II alternative descriptions : programmatic EIS/EIR appendix / 1998
CALFED phase II interim report 1998
Delta-Suisun Bay ecological studies : a water quality data report of the coordinated monitoring program : methods and data for [1973-1974]. 1975
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program / Appendix A : methods ; Appendix B : Data. 1972
Delta-Suisun Bay Surveillance Program : a progress report on the Delta San Luis Drain portion of the program / 1972
Dissolved organic carbon concentrations and compositions, and trihalomethane formation potentials in waters from agricultural peat soils, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California : implications for drinking-water quality / 1998
Dissolved pesticide data for the San Joaquin River at Vernalis and the Sacramento River at Sacramento, California, 1991-1994 / 1995
Draft problem/objective definition 1998
Effects of the San Joaquin master drain on water quality of the San Francisco Bay and Delta. nutrients and bioogical response / Appendix part C : 1968
Executive summary : final programmatic environmental impact statement/environmental impact report / 2000
Implementation strategy : programmatic EIS/EIR technical appendix, March 1998 / 1998
Interagency Delta health aspects monitoring program 1985
Methods of analysis and quality-assurance practices of the U.S. Geological Survey organic laboratory, Sacramento, California : determination of pesticides in water by solid-phase extraction and capillary-column gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1994
Organic carbon trends, loads, and yields to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, water years 1980-2000 / 2003
Programmatic environmental impact statement/environmental impact report : draft / 1998
San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento-San Joaquin delta, California : a preliminary evaluation of stream flow requirements for water quality control / 1963
Status and trends report on pollutants in the San Francisco Estuary 1991
Water quality conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta during ... 0
Water quality control study, Peripheral Canal, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California : summary report / 1964

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