Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management New York State)

Select Item Title Year Published
A five-year water quality management program, 1978-1983 : an agreement between New York State and the United States Environmental Protection Agency [synopsis of the draft agreement] / 1978
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
Baseline human health risk assessment for the Buffalo River, New York, area of concern / 1993
Biological and chemical assessment of contaminated Great Lakes sediment / 1993
Buffalo River remedial action plan 1989
Central New York water quality management program Oswego County subplan. 1978
Chapter 13-08; the Roeliff Jansen Kill Sub-Basin 1977
Chapter 13-10; the Kinderhook Creek Sub-Basin draft 1977
Chapter 13-11: the Normans Kill Creek Sub-basin 1977
Control of aquatic vegetation in New York State / 1973
Design of the Newtown Creek Water Pollution Control Project, the City of New York / 1967
Draft Niagara River remedial action plan. 1993
Draft Niagara River remedial action plan. : summary. 1993
EPA construction grants : information on the North River Wastewater Treatment Plant contracts : fact sheet for the Honorable Daniel Patrick Moynihan, United States Senate. 1986
Integrated project control : coordination and consistency in State water and air quality, coastal zone, and land use planning / 1976
Is the water rising? : a brief look at New York's water and wastewater systems : management/board member training DVD / 2006
Lake Ontario basin progress report 1970
New York City Watershed Partnership : Solving Environmental Problems Through Collaboration : A Case Study. 2006
Niagara River water quality investigations in 1971 : report to the International Joint Commission on the Niagara River / 1972
Nonpoint source management handbook 1984
Nonpoint source pollution assessment of the Chemung and Susquehanna River subbasins 1975
Organic chemicals and drinking water 1981
Organic chemicals and drinking water 1980
Pesticides and their metabolites in three small public water-supply reservoir systems, western New York, 1998-99 2000
Pesticides and their metabolites in wells of Suffolk County, New York, 1998 1999
Pilot-scale demonstration of thermal desorption for the treatment of Buffalo River sediments : final report / 1993
Pollutant loadings to the Buffalo River area of concern from inactive hazardous waste sites / 1994
RAP revival : a citizen's agenda for RAPs. 1990
Reducing the impacts of stormwater runoff from new development 1992
Remedial action plan, Niagara River Buffalo River area of concern 1986
Response to public input on the New York State/EPA agreement 1979
Sources and sinks of nitrogen and phosphorus : water quality management of Lake George (N.Y.) / 1972
Wastewater management program, Jamaica Bay, New York volume I, summary report / 1976
Water quality analysis of the Raritan Bay system. / 1974
Water quality data review project : final report / 1975
Water quality management plan for the Lake Erie-Niagara River basin : Tonawanda Creek (01-02), Buffalo River (01-03), Eastern Lake Erie (01-04), Lake Erie-West End (01-05) : draft summary / 1977
Watershed progress : New York City watershed agreement. 1996

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