Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management Mathematical models)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A numerical evaluation of class I injection wells for waste confinement performance : final report / 1987
A water quality model for a conjunctive surface-groundwater system / 1974
Advances in modeling the management of stormwater impacts. Volume 5 / 1997
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
Application of specialized optimization techniques for water quality and quantity management with respect to planning for the Trinity River Basin / 1970
Applied modeling of urban water systems. Volume 8 / 2000
Assessment of 1978 water quality conditions in the upper Potomac estuary / 1980
Auto-Qual modelling system / 1973
Auto-Qual modelling system : Supplement I : modification for non-point source loadings / 1973
Auto-Qual modelling system : supplement I : modification for non-point source loadings / 1973
CORMIX: An Expert System for Mixing Zone Analysis. 1991
DECS II : digital computer program for simulation of the Delaware Estuary's behavior / 1965
Development of a wasteload allocation model for the Pigeon River between Canton and Hepco, North Carolina : volume I -- text / 1989
Development of mass balance models for lakes = Yhteenveto: jarvien ainetasemallien kehittaminen / 1989
Economic Evaluation of Connecticut Water Law: Water Rights, Public Water Supply and Pollution Control. 1970
Engineering approaches for lake management / 1983
Extensions of mathematical programming for regional water quality management / 1972
Feasibility study on executive program development for basin ecosystems modeling / 1978
Final report : economic evaluation of water / 1969
Fitting the Red River of the North basin to the general river basin simulation program 1967
Generalized Water Quality Model for Eutrophic Lakes and Reservoirs. 1974
Livestock grazing management and water quality protection : (state of the art reference document) / 1979
LM3 : a high-resolution Lake Michigan mass balance water quality model / 2009
Management of water quality in reservoirs / 1980
Mathematical model for Detroit River : user manual / 1972
Mathematical modeling of water management strategies in urbanizing river basins / 1973
Mathematical models in water pollution control / 1978
Mathematical models of water quality in large lakes : part 2 : Lake Erie / 1980
Mathematical models of water quality in large lakes. 1980
Mathematical programming for regional water quality management / 1970
Modeling biochemical processes in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Modern methods for modeling the management of stormwater impacts / 1995
Multiple regression modeling approach for regional water quality management / 1978
New applications in modeling urban water systems. Volume 7 / 1999
NPDES monitoring recommendations to improve contaminant loading data availability / 1985
Operations research in water quality management : final report to Bureau of State Services, Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control, Public Health Service, Department of Health, Education and Welfare [under] Contract PH86-62-140. 1963
Principles of surface water quality modeling and control / 1987
Proceedings : stormwater management model (SWMM) users group meeting, 10-11 January 1980 / 1980
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Management Modeling Users Group Meeting, 25-26 March 1982 / 1982
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, April 12-13, 1984 / 1985
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, April 12-13, 1984 / 1985
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, January 27-28, 1983 / 1983
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, January 31-February 1, 1985 / 1985
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, March 23-24, 1987 / 1987
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group meeting, March 24-25, 1986, Orlando, FL / 1986
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, October 3-4, 1988, Denver, Colorado / 1989
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group meeting, September 17-18, 1986, Toronto, Ontario / 1986
Proceedings of the Second American-Soviet symposium on the use of mathematical models to optimize water quality management : Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA, August 27-30, 1979 / 1980
Proceedings, Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Users Group Meeting, 4-5 May 1978 / 1978
Quantitative techniques for the assessment of lake quality / 1979
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