Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management Massachusetts)

Select Item Title Year Published
208 water quality management plan for a portion of the Central Massachusetts regional planning commission : April 1980. 1980
A mass-balance nitrate model for predicting the effects of land use on groundwater quality in municipal wellhead protection areas / 1988
Baseline CSO flows 1993
Buttermilk Bay Coliform Control Program: demonstrating practical tools for watershed management through the National Estuary Program, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. 1995
Charles River basin : 1976 water quality management plan / 1976
Charles River lower basin study : data report / 1976
Clean Lakes Program guidelines general application and administration / 0
Coastal plain pondshore project final report / 2002
Contamination in municipal water supplies : an interim report of the Special Legislative Commission on Water Supply, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1986
Demonstration of a geographic information system for ground water protection / 1988
Draft environmental impact assessment on the proposed 208 water quality management plan for the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District, Ten Mile River drainage basin / 1977
Effectiveness of three best management practices for highway-runoff quality along the Southeast Expressway, Boston, Massachusetts 2002
Effects of low-impact-development (LID) practices on streamflow, runoff quality, and runoff quality in the Ipswich River basin, Massachusetts : a summary of field and modeling studies / 2010
Effects of selected low-impact-development (LID) techniques on water quality and quantity in the Ipswich River basin, Massachusetts : field and modeling studies / 2010
Guide to contaminated sources for wellhead protection / 1988
Ipswich River. 2005
Islands basin planning area : 1975 water quality management plan / 1976
Massachusetts nonpoint source management manual the megamanual, a guidance document for municipal officials / 1993
MDC proposed sludge management plan, Metropolitan District Commission, Boston, Massachusetts : final environmental impact statement. 1979
Montachusett-Nashua areawide water quality management plan summary : and environmental impact statement, January 1979. 1979
MWRA harbor and outfall monitoring project : OMSAP public meeting September 1999. 1999
Mystic River watershed initiative : working together to improve water quality, public access and recreation throughout the watershed. 2009
Political waters : the long, dirty, contentious, incredibly expensive but eventually triumphant history of Boston Harbor--a unique environmental success story / 2004
Potential effects of structural controls and street sweeping on stormwater loads to the lower Charles River, Massachusetts / 2002
Progress towards achieving the water quality goals for Boston Harbor / 1970
Report on Hager Pond, Middlesex County, Massachusetts : EPA region I / 1975
Report on Matfield Impoundment, Plymouth County, Massachusetts : EPA Region I / 1975
Report on Rochdale Pond, Worcester County, Massachusetts : EPA Region I / 1975
Report on Woods Pond, Berkshire County, Massachusetts : EPA Region I / 1975
Review of water quality planning programs relative to Massachusetts Bays / 1992
Saugus dump survey : Saugus, Massachusetts. 1972
Sediment quality in the North Coastal Basin of Massachusetts, 2003 / 2004
South Coastal : water quality management plan, 1975 / 1975
State Innovation Grant Program : Massachusetts: Improving Water Quality through Watershed-based Solutions / 2003
Statement on water quality management states of Connecticut and Massachusetts, portion of Thames, Connecticut and Housatonic river basins. 1963
Suasco River basin : 1975 water quality management plan / 1975
Supplemental draft environmental impact statement and draft environmental impact report on siting of wastewater treatment facilities in Boston Harbor / 1984
The Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) : executive summary. 1988
The Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) : final report / 1988
The Massachusetts unpaved roads BMP manual : a guidebook on how to improve water quality while addressing common problems / 2001
The recreation benefits of water quality improvement : analysis of day trips in an urban setting / 1978
Toward clean water, alternatives for action : v. 1, Draft environmental impact assessment / 1977
Water pollution and water quality in Massachusetts' coastal zone a municipal official's primer / 1991
Water quality management study, Boston Harbor, Massachusetts : projections of population and municipal waste loadings. 1970

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