Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management Great Lakes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1980 report on Great Lakes water quality / 1980
1983 report on Great Lakes water quality : report to the International Joint Commission / 1983
70 years of accomplishment : report for years 1978-1979. 1979
A five year program strategy for the Great Lakes National Program Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1986-1990. 1986
A guide to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement : background document for the 2006 Governmental Review / 2005
A proposed framework for developing indicators of ecosystem health for the Great Lakes region / 1991
A report to Congress on the Great Lakes ecosystem / 1994
A review of pretreatment programs in the Great Lakes basin : report to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1989
A Strategy for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances. 1993
Action plan for federal research and monitoring on the Great Lakes : nutrient overenrichment / 1985
Activities report / 1984
Activities report for period ending December 23, 1987 / 1987
Addendum to the First biennial report under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 / 1982
Advice to governments on their review of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement : a special report to the governments of Canada and the United States / 2006
An Act to Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to Carry Out Projects and Conduct Research for Remediation of Sediment Contamination in Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes, and for Other Purposes. 2002
An Act to Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Provide for the Remediation of Sediment Contamination in Areas of Concern, and for Other Purposes. 2008
Annotated bibliography of PLUARG reports. 1979
Annual progress report to the International Joint Commission from the International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities (PLUARG). 1975
Annual report : report to the International Joint Commission / 1980
Annual report of the Water Resources Management Committee : a report to the Governors and Premiers of the Great Lakes states and provinces prepared at the request of the Council of Great Lakes Governors. 1989
Annual surveillance plan for the Laurentian Great Lakes / 1985
Applicability of receptor modeling to the EPA Great Lakes Toxic Deposition Study / 1992
Biennial report under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978 / 1982
Bioavailability of phosphorus inputs to lakes : significance to management / 1981
Biogeochemical signatures of the Great Lakes watersheds / 2018
Burning rivers : revival of four urban-industrial rivers that caught on fire / 2010
Canada, Great Lakes water quality : agreement, with annexes and texts and terms of reference, signed at Ottawa April 15, 1972 ; entered into force April 15, 1972. 1973
Canadian response to the International Joint Commission's second biennial report under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978. 1986
Canadian response to the third annual report of the International Joint Commission on water quality in the Great Lakes. 1976
Cleaning up our Great Lakes : a report from the Water Quality Board to the International Joint Commission on toxic substances in the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. 1991
Collingwood Harbour remedial action plan : environmental conditions & problem definition / 1989
Conservation districts and Great Lakes water quality : present and prospective roles : a report to the National Association of Conservation Districts, Committee on the Great Lakes / 1990
Contaminated sediment removal program / 1994
Cooperating for clean water : case studies of agricultural Nonpoint Source pollution control in the Great Lakes states / 1986
Cooperating for clean water : estimating water quality improvements from management of agricultural nonpoint source pollution / 1987
Cooperating for clean water : institutional issues in agricultural nonpoint source pollution control policy / 1987
Cooperating for clean water : lessons learned about agricultural nonpoint source pollution control in the Great Lakes states / 1987
Decisions for the Great Lakes : a project of Great Lakes Tomorrow {and} Purdue University Calumet / 1982
Development and calibration of a spatially simplified multi-class phytoplankton model for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron 1974
Draft interim quality assurance project plan : Great Lakes survey studies of Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Superior, April 1992 through February 1993 / 1992
Dredging and the Great lakes / 1999
Early action program report : submitted to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1974
Ecosystem approach to the integrity of the Great Lakes in turbulent times 1990
Environmental indicators for surface water quality programs : pilot study / 1992
Environmental management strategy for the Great Lakes system : final report to the International Joint Commission / 1978
Environmental management strategy for the Great Lakes system : final report to the International Joint Commission [summary and conclusions] / 1978
Evaluation of Great Lakes monitoring programs to establish an adequate strategy. 1973
Evaluation of water quality impacts of proposed Lake Erie regulations on Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Superior as well as connecting channels / 1980
Evolution of the Great Lakes water quality agreement / 2005
Fact sheet : final Great Lakes water quality guidance critical provisions. 1995
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