Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management California)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County / 1978
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County : first draft. 1978
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County. 1978
208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1980
208 areawide water quality management plan : Appendix A 1980 208 Plan Supplemental Information / 1981
208 plan / 1978
A description of the Delta-Suisun Bay Surveillance Program. 1970
A method for regulating timber harvest and road construction activity for water quality protection in Northern California. 1973
A progress report on the Delta-San Luis Drain Surveillance Program. 1969
A reconnaissance study and preliminary report on a water quality control plan for Salton Sea / 1965
A summary of chemical and biological testing of sediment form Oakland Harbor navigation channel and berthing areas relative to potential disposal at the Alcatraz environs reference area / 1993
Abstract report on water quality control plan for the Klamath River Basin 1-A. 1975
Abstract water quality control plan : Los Angeles River Basin (4B). 1975
Abstract water quality control plan : Santa Clara River Basin (4A). 1975
Action plan for balanced environmental management : preserving Orange County's coastal ocean waters. 1986
Addendum for Los Angeles River Basin (4B). 1975
Agricultural practices and drainage from agricultural lands. 1968
Alameda Creek Watershed : historical ecology study / 2013
Alameda Watershed management plan : {draft} / 1998
Alternatives for managing wastewater in the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Area: summary report. 1971
Amendments to the water quality control plan for the south Lahontan Basin. 1975
An environmental monitoring program for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Bay; final report. 1970
Annual monitoring report, FY 1994-95 / 1996
Annual state strategy. 0
Appendix : summary of public comments on the draft water quality control plan and environmental impact report : Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh. 1978
Aquatic habitat program plan for assessing the effects of pollutants in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary / 1982
Areas of special biological significance : designated March 21, 1974, April 18, 1974, and June 19, 1975 / 1976
Background appendix to 208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1981
Bay Area Collaborative : model for regional utility cooperation / 2010
Bivalve point source pilot study to monitor water quality in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary (WRCB standard agreement no. 2-117-120-0) / 1984
Boca Reservoir, Nevada County, California. 1978
California inland surface waters plan : water quality control plan for inland surface waters of California : adopted and effective April 11, 1991. 1991
California's Bay-Delta : the problem, the process and the potential. 1998
Carmel river basin water quality investigation : a water quality investigations memorandum report / 1969
Castro Valley water quality modeling : calibration & verification / 1996
Castro Valley water quality modeling : development and application of Alameda-SWMM / 1999
Changing the course of California's water : the impact of polluted runoff on our aquatic resources and responsible actions we can take / 1995
Clean bay plan / 0
Clean water grant program : delegation of authority agreement and implementing agreements / 1976
Coastal zone water quality monitoring in the San Francisco Bay Area / 1973
Comments on emergency flood control measures, task 4.5.4 : Ventura County 208 areawide water management plan, 1979-1980 / prepared by The Friends of the Ventura River. 1980
Comparing futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta / 2010
Compilation and interpretation of water-quality and discharge data for acidic mine waters at Iron Mountain, Shasta County, California, 1940-91 / 1992
Comprehensive conservation and management plan / 1994
Comprehensive water quality control plan for the San Diego basin : abstract / 1975
Comprehensive water quality control plan for the San Diego Basin. 1974
Conditional approval of draft 208 plan / 1978
Delta water quality conditions, compliance with water quality standards contained in decision 1485 during calendar year ... 1981
Delta-Suisun Bay surveillance program : a water quality progress report on the Central Valley Operations Sampling Program : methods appendix, data appendix. 1974
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