Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality management United States Case studies)

Select Item Title Year Published
Disinfectant decay and corrosion : laboratory and field studies / 2004
Distribution system water quality changes following corrosion control strategies / 2000
Effective watershed management for surface water supplies 1991
Financial and institutional considerations in water quality planning : case studies, 1979-1980. 1980
Green ports : environmental management and technology at US ports / 2000
Innovative/alternative technology program : case studies / 1981
Leadership in watershed management : the county role / 1999
Section 319 success stories : a close-up look at the national non-point source pollution control program / 1994
Selecting priority nonpoint source projects : you better shop around / 1989
Smart growth for clean water : helping communities address the water quality impacts of sprawl / 2003

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