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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality biological assessment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
11th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, February 25 to March 1, 2002, Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, 5000 Seminary Road, Alexandria, Virginia USA 2002
12th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, June 9 to 12, 2003, the Cleary International Centre, Windsor, Ontario, Canada : abstracts / 2003
1982 water quality assesment and pollution control status report P.L. 97-117 (section 305 (b) report) prepared by David Y. Conlin. 1982
A comparison of the use of the plastic membrane vs. the glass-fiber filter in handling aqueous samples : speed, cost, and data / 1966
A primer on using biological assessments to support water quality management. 2011
A watershed assessment primer / 1994
Acute toxic effects of chlorinated primary sewage effluent on Brook trout and Brown trout : Manchester, Vermont, Batten Kill River / 1979
An assessment of the macroinvertebrate communities of the Indian Creek Watershed, Tazewell County, Virginia / 2003
An assessment of the PCB and dioxin background in Washington freshwater fish, with recommendations for prioritizing 303(d) listings / 2010
An Evaluation of the approach for assessing risks to the benthic invertebrate community at the Portland Harbor Superfund site : preliminary draft / 2008
Analytical Method for Analyzing Fish for Organic Compounds 1981
Ancillary water quality, physical habitat, and biological data from the Juniata Subbasin / 1997
Application of the Great Lakes National Program Office's data quality objective to benthos data generated by the annual water quality survey / 2003
Aquatic biomonitoring at Greens Creek Mine, 2008 / 2009
Aquatic biomonitoring at Greens Creek Mine, 2009 / 2010
Assemblages of fishes and their associations with environmental variables, lower San Joaquin River drainage, California / 1998
Assessing the biological quality of fresh waters : RIVPACS and other techniques ; invited contributions from an International Workshop held in Oxford, UK on 16-18 September 1997 by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), UK, Environment Agency, UK, Environment Australia, Land and Water Resources R & D Corporation, Canberra, Australia / 2000
Assessing the sustainability and biological integrity of water resources using fish communities / 1999
Assessment framework for Mid-Atlantic coastal plain streams using benthic macroinvertebrates / 1998
Assessment of Chesapeake Bay benthic macroinvertebrate resource condition in relation to water quality and watershed stressors / 1994
Assessment of sediment quality in the Black River watershed : final report / 1999
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River basin, Texas, 1996-97 2000
Assessment of selected water-quality and biological data collected in the Wichita River Basin, Texas, 1996-97 {electronic resource} / 2000
Assessment of the habitats, biota, sediments, and water quality near the discharge of primary-treated effluent from the Mayaguez Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bahia de Anasco, Puerto Rico 2000
Assessment of water quality, benthic invertebrates, and periphyton in the Threemile Creek basin, Mobile, Alabama, 1999-2003 / 2005
Assessment of water quality, nutrients, algal productivity, and management alternatives for low-flow conditions, South Umpqua River basins, Oregon, 1990-92 1996
Bayou Chico restoration study / 1977
Benthic biology : Monongahela River Basin, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland. 1968
Benthic biology Scioto River Basin, Ohio. 1970
Benthic invertebrate assemblages and their relation to physical and chemical characteristics of streams in the Eastern Iowa basins, 1996-98 2001
Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and their relations with environmental variables in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River drainages, California, 1993-1997 / 2000
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance. Volume 5, Strategies for sample replication and compositing / 1987
Bioaccumulation monitoring guidance. Volume 5, Strategies for sample replication and compositing / 1987
Bioassay analysis of dredged material from Tampa Harbor, Florida / 1979
Bioassessment of freshwater ecosystems : using the reference condition approach / 2004
Bioindicators and biomarkers of environmental pollution and risk assessment / 2001
Biological and associated water-quality data for lower Olmos Creek and upper San Antonio River, San Antonio, Texas, March-October 1990 1995
Biological and ecotoxicological characteristics of terrestrial vertebrate species residing in estuaries {electronic resource} / 0
Biological assessment and criteria : tools for water resource planning and decision making / 1995
Biological assessment of small streams in the Coast Range ecoregion and the Yakima River basin 1999
Biological assessment of the lower Boise River, October 1995 through January 1998, Ada and Canyon Counties, Idaho 1999
Biological assessment of the Perdido Bay system / 1988
Biological assessment of the revised Oregon water quality standards for dissolved oxygen, temperature, and PH 1998
Biological assessments and criteria : crucial components of water quality programs. 2002
Biological condition gradient : a new system to classify water quality. 2009
Biological criteria / 2006
Biological criteria : national program guidance for surface waters. 1990
Biological indicators enhance water quality monitoring in Maryland's coastal bays. 2007
Biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem stress 2002
Biological methods for the assessment of water quality : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials. / 1973
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