Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality bioassay)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2009 study of the water quality of 194 metropolitan area lakes / 2010
2nd Interagency Workshop on In-Situ Water-Quality Sensing: Biological Sensors, Pensacola Beach, Florida, April 28-30, 1980 / 1981
A Conceptual approach for the application of biological indicators of ecosystem quality in the Great Lakes Basin : a joint effort of the International Joint Commission and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission / 1985
A Field and laboratory study using adenylate energy charge as an indicator of stress in Mytilus edulis and Nephtys incisa treated with dredged material / 1988
A summary of chemical and biological testing of sediment form Oakland Harbor navigation channel and berthing areas relative to potential disposal at the Alcatraz environs reference area / 1993
A summary of chemical and biological testing of sediment form Oakland Harbor navigation channel and berthing areas relative to potential disposal at the deep off-shelve reference area / 1993
A Summary of data on tissue contaminantion [sic] from the first three years (1986-1988) of the Mussel Watch Project. 1989
Acute toxicity of residual chlorine and ammonia to some native Illinois fishes 1977
Acute toxicity testing with aquatic organisms, 1981. 1983
Algal assays and monitoring eutrophication 1979
Algal nutrient studies of the Potomac estuary : (Summer 1977) / 1979
Ammonia Toxicity to Fishes. Effect of pH on the Toxicity of the Un-ionized Ammonia Species. 1981
An annotated literature survey of methods for determination of effects and fate of pollutants in aquatic environments / 1978
An avoidance response bioassay for aquatic pollutants : completion report / 1980
An investigation of ion removal from water and wastewater / 1973
Analyzing the hazard evaluation process : proceedings of a workshop held in Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, August 14-18, 1978 / 1979
Application and procurement of automatic wastewater samplers / 1975
Aquatic invertebrate bioassays : a symposium / 1980
Aquatic life water quality screening values for chlorinated phenolic compounds 1994
Aquatic life water quality standards draft technical support document for total suspended solids (turbidity) : triennial water quality standard amendments to Minn. R. chs. 7050 and 7052 / 2010
Aquatic toxicology : proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Aquatic toxicology : a symposium / 1979
Aquatic toxicology and environmental fate : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate, Philadelphia, PA, 14-16 April 1985 / 1986
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment 12th volume / 1989
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology / 1981
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, seventh symposium : a symposium / 1985
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology: a symposium / 1982
Aquatic toxicology and hazard evaluation : proceedings of the first annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, American Society for Testing and Materials, Memphis, Tenn., 25-26 Oct. 1976 / 1977
Aquatic toxicology and risk assessment : fourteenth volume / 1991
Aquatic toxicology and risk assessment. 1990
Assessment of the effects of nutrient loadings on Lake Ontario using a mathematical model of the phytoplankton / 1976
Athens/Gulf Breeze Environmental Protection Agency cooperaive industrial wastewater biomonitoring project : status report : through FY1978. 1978
Bacterial indicators of pollution 1982
Bacterial indicators of water pollution : a study of quantitative estimation / 1963
Bacterial indicators/health hazards associated with water : a symposium ; Chicago, Ill., 28-29 June 1976 / 1977
Benthic analysis : training manual / 1979
Bioassay for toxic and hazardous materials : training manual. 1978
Bioassay in pollution analysis and control : training manual. 1973
Bioassay procedures for the ocean disposal permit program / 1976
Bioassay procedures for the ocean disposal permit program / 1976
Bioassay procedures for the ocean disposal permit program / 1978
Bioassessment methodologies for the regulatory testing of freshwater dredged material : proceedings of a workshop / 1986
Bioassessment of streams at Anchorage, Alaska : conceptual design / 1993
Biochemical analyses for detection and assessment of pollution in the subsurface environment / 1983
Biochemical studies of the Potomac estuary--summer 1978 / 1979
Biochrome analysis as a method for assessing phytoplankton dynamics phase I / 1974
Bioindicators and environmental management / 1991
Bioindicators as a measure of success for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances : a report based on a workshop held April 28-29, 1992 at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1994
Biological and chemical assessments of sediment collected from eleven locations in Albermarle and Pamlico Sounds, North Carolina 1992
Biological assessment methods, biocriteria, and biological indicators : bibliography of selected technical, policy, and regulatory literature. 1996
Biological criteria development for large rivers with an emphasis on an assessment of the White River drainage, Indiana / 1992
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