Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Superior Lake)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Review of Lake Superior water quality with emphasis on the 1983 intensive survey : report to the Surveillance Subcommittee of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board / 1990
An appraisal of water pollution in the Lake Superior Basin. 1969
An Appraisal of water pollution in the Lake Superior Basin. 1970
Chemical effects of red clays on Western Lake Superior / 1979
Executive summary to survey of sediment quality in the Duluth/Superior harbor : 1993 sampling results / 1997
Fish and wildlife as related to water quality of the Lake Superior Basin. 1970
Great Lakes Institute data record, 1962 surveys : part II, Lake Huron, Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. 1964
Great Lakes Institute data record, 1963 surveys. 1965
Lake Superior surveillance activities including sampling strategies for 1968-1997 / 1998
Lake Superior surveillance program : spatial distribution and temporal trends of selected parameters, with emphasis on 1996-1997 results / 1999
Lake Superior water quality issues : recommendations for action : Lake Superior regional meeting, July 18, 1987, Duluth, Minnesota / 1987
Lake Superior, Lake Huron and Georgian Bay data report, 1960 1963
Limnology of Michigan's nearshore waters of Lakes Superior and Huron / 1980
Minnesota, Lake Superior near shore water quality study : a survey of the near shore waters in the Duluth area and near the mouths of the Gooseberry and Cascade Rivers / 1976
Pollution Observations in the Lake Superior Basin. 1968
Reconvening of second session of the conference in the Matter of Pollution of Lake Superior and its Tributary Basin in the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan : held in Duluth, Minnesota, August 12-13, 1970 : transcript of proceedings. 1970
Remote sensing study : green water in Lake Superior, October 1972 / 1973
Report on water quality and sources of wastes in the Lake Superior Basin. 1969
Second monthly progress report : Lake Superior basin comprehensive water pollution control study / 1967
Special report on water quality of Lake Superior in the vicinity of Silver Bay, Minnesota / 1968
The waters of Lake Huron and Lake Superior : report to the International Joint Commission / 1976
Third meeting of the second session (reconvened) of the conference in the matter of pollution of Lake Superior and its tributary basin in the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, April 22-23, 1971 / 1971
Third monthly progress report : Lake Superior basin comprehensive water pollution control study. 1967
Water pollution investigation: Duluth-Superior area 1974
Water quality and trophic condition of Lake Superior (Wisconsin waters) / 1971
Water quality of streams tributary to Lakes Superior and Michigan / 1968
Water quality of the upper Great Lakes : summary. 1979
Water quality of the upper Great Lakes : [an IJC report to the governments of Canada and the United States]. 1979
Waters of Lake Huron and Lake Superior 1977
Wisconsin's Lake Superior Basin water quality study : a joint hydrologic study / 1974
Wisconsin's Lake Superior basin water quality study; 1973

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