Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1088
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality Standards)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
1993 review, water quality standards for salinity, Colorado River system 1993
1998 Update of ambient water quality criteria for ammonia. 1998
1999 Update of ambient water quality criteria for ammonia. 1999
2, 3, 7, 8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
2000 update of ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for cadmium 2000
2001 update of ambient water quality criteria for cadmium / 2001
2001 update of ambient water quality criteria for cadmium / 2001
2003 update of ambient water quality criteria for copper : (CAS registry number 7440-50-8) / 2003
2004 Edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories. 2004
2006 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2006
2009 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2009
2011 edition of the drinking water standards and health advisories / 2011
A compilation of existing state water quality standards for marine waters. 1978
A compilation of water quality standards for marine waters. 1982
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A listing of the dates of state adoption and EPA approval of state water quality standards from 1977 through December 1983. / 1984
A regulation relating to water quality standards for interstate and coastal waters of the state of Washington and a plan for implementation and enforcement of such standards. 1967
A regulators' guide to the management of radioactive residuals from drinking water treatment technologies. 2005
A report on water quality surveillance during 1968: Chicago and Calumet River systems in the metropolitan sanitary district of Greater Chicago. 1969
A report on water quality surveillance during 1969 : Chicago and Calumet River systems in the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. 1970
A report on water quality surveillance during 1970 : on the Chicago and Calumet River systems in the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago. 1971
A review of the EPA red book, Quality criteria for water / 1979
A study of sampling procedures as applied to the mechanical integrity testing of injection wells. 1980
Abstracts of Industrial NPDES Permits. First Edition, July 1983. 1983
Accomplishment plan, Region VIII : the Red River of the North Basin. 1972
Acenaphthene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acidity-alkalinity (pH) : water quality standards criteria digest : a compilation of State/Federal criteria. 1979
Acidity-alkalinity (pH) : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Acrolein : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Action plans for PBT pollutants. 1998
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; 2003 Drinking Water Infrastucture Needs Survey 2002
Albion River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. 2001
Aldrin/dieldrin : ambient water quality criteria. 1979
Allocated impact zones for areas of non-compliance / 1995
Allocated impact zones for areas of non-compliance / 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for 2,4-dimethylphenol. 1993
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aluminum / 1988
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aluminum : draft. 1986
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aluminum. 1988
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for ammonia (salt water) / 1989
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for ammonia (saltwater) / 1989
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for ammonia / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for aniline (CAS registry number 62-53-3). 1993
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for arsenic / 1985
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine 1998
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine / 2001
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for atrazine / 2003
Ambient Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Atrazine-Draft. 2001
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