Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water quality North Carolina)

Select Item Title Year Published
A bacteriological survey of the Little River, South Carolina - Calabash Creek, North Carolina area / 1972
A report on bacterial pollution affecting shellfish harvesting in Newport River, North Carolina. 1972
Annual variations in chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation, eastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia / 1968
Black-water impoundment investigations / 1969
Citizens guide to water quality in North Carolina 1984
Development of a wasteload allocation model for the Pigeon River between Canton and Hepco, North Carolina : volume I -- text / 1989
Distribution of phytoplankton in North Carolina lakes / 1977
Draft ambient water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen (saltwater) : Cape Cod to Cape Hatteras. 1999
Effect of Low-Flow Hydrologic Regimes on Water Quality Management. 1971
Effects of highway runoff on streamflow and water quality in the Sevenmile Creek basin, a rural area in the Piedmont Province of North Carolina, July 1981 to July 1982 / 1988
Finger-fill canal studies, Florida and North Carolina. 1975
Further Characterization of the Water Quality of the New Hope and Lower Haw Rivers including Benthic Macroinvertebrate Diversity and Trace Metal Analyses. 1972
Historical trends, water quality and fisheries, Albemarle-Pamlico Sounds : with emphasis on the Pamlico River Estuary / 1992
Hydrologic and water-quality data in selected agricultural drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1988-90 / 1992
Hydrologic and water-quality data in selected agricultural drainages in Beaufort and Hyde Counties, North Carolina, 1990-92 / 1993
Interim report on flows in the lower Roanoke River, and water quality and hydrodynamics of Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, October 1989-April 1991 1993
Investigation of the effects and uses of biocides and related compounds in North Carolina. 1983
Investigation of the effects and uses of biocides and related compounds in North Carolina. 1983
North Toe River study / 1977
Program for evaluating stream quality in North Carolina : prepared in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources / 1978
Santee River basin water quality study : section II - final report 1975
Section 319 nonpoint source program success story North Carolina : aquatic life use restored in agricultural watershed / {electronic resource} : 2006
Site specific water quality assessment : Irwin Creek, North Carolina / 1982
Streamflow and water quality modeling of the Chowan River 1980
Summary of data on chemical quality of streams of North Carolina, 1943-67, 1971
The Chowan River project : summary report / 1977
The impacts of wastewater disposal practices on the ground water of the North Carolina Barrier Islands / 1985
The water quality ramifications in estuaries of converting forest to intensive agriculture / 1979
Water quality in the Kanawha-New River Basin : West Virginia, Virginia, and North Carolina, 1996-98 / 2000
Water quality in the Santee River Basin and coastal drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995-98 / 2000
Water quality of North Carolina streams 1982
Water resource study, Salem Church Reservoir, Rappahannock River, Virginia : study of potential needs and value of water for municipal, industrial and quality control purposes. 1964
Water resources data for North Carolina : water year 1988 / 1989
Water resources study, Neuse River basin, North Carolina : study of potential needs and value of water for municipal, industrial, and water quality control purposes / 1964
Water-quality assessment of the Albemarle-Pamlico drainage basin, North Carolina and Virginia : characterization of suspended sediment, nutrients, and pesticides / 1995
Water-quality data for selected North Carolina streams and reservoirs in the Triangle Area Water Supply Monitoring Project, 1988-92 1994
Water-quality data from continuously monitored sites in the Albemarle Sound estuarine system, North Carolina, 1989-91 1993
Water-quality data from continuously monitored sites in the Pamlico and Neuse River estuaries, North Carolina, 1991-92 1994

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