Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water pollution Montana)

Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary investigation into the use of crayfish as a sensitive species to pollutants in the Clark Fork River near Missoula, MT : research project technical completion report / 1983
A study of policies, guidelines and enforcement procedures affecting prevention, control and abatement of air and water pollution resulting from forestry practices on the Flathead National Forest, Montana / 1974
A Thirty day flow-through bioassay test on copper and zinc toxicity in the Clark Fork River Near Deer Lodge, Montana : May 7 - June 6, 1985 / 1986
Application of a water quality assessment modeling system at a superfund site / 1991
Clark Fork River Study, Montana : July-August, 1973 / 1974
Distribution and biotic effects of nutrients in Flathead Lake, Montana / 1975
Evaluation of Conoco Billings Refinery, Billings, Montana. 1988
Field operations plan for the Silver Bow Creek flood modelling study : Silver Bow Creek RI/FS, EPA Region VIII / 1987
Field operations plan for the Warm Springs Treatment Ponds investigations : Silver Bow Creek RI/FS, EPA Region VIII / 1987
Final report and water quality management plan. 1979
Flathead Lake bacteriological study / 1969
Flathead Lake Bacteriological Study. 1969
Fluoride accumulation in the terrestrial and aquatic components of the Douglas Creek drainage of western Montana : completion report 1977
Instream tests for toxicity persistence from heavy metals / 1985
Inventory Municipal and Industrial Waste Facilities, 1957. Volume 8. Region VIII. Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming. 1958
Inventory: Municipal Waste Facilities, 1962. Region VIII. Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming. 1963
Microbiological and Chemical Investigation of Effects of Multiple Use on Water Quality of High Mountain Watersheds. 1971
Microbiological Studies in an Open and a Closed Watershed. 1971
Missouri-Souris Development Area Water Pollution Investigation. 1952
Missouri-Souris Development Area Water Pollution Investigation. 1951
Montana forestry best management practices, implementation monitoring : the 1990 forestry BMP audits final report / 1990
Pollution of the Yellowstone River qas related to taste and oder problems in municipal water supplies in Montana and North Dakota; 1956
Potential for long-term mercury contamination of the Tongue River Reservoir resulting from surface coal mining and determination of an accurate coefficient describing mercury accumulation from food : final report / 1978
Preliminary assessment of potential mercury problems in the Tongue River Reservoir / 1978
Report of Water Pollution in the Upper Missouri Drainage Basin. 1952
Report of Water Pollution in the Yellowstone Drainage Basin. 1952
State water quality standards summary : Montana. 1988
Summary of water quality standards for the interstate waters of Montana. 1969
Upper Missouri River Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Water pollution in the Yellowstone River drainage in Montana : report to Montana Water Pollution Council, December 1963. 1964
Wounding the West : Montana, mining, and the environment / 2000

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