Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water pollution Monongahela River)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on pollution of the Ohio River and its tributaries in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area / 1971
Determination of estimated mean mine water quantity and quality from imperfect data and historical records 1973
Feasibility Study on the Application of Various Grouting Agents, Techniques and Methods to the Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution. Part III. Plans, Specifications and Schedules for Remedial Construction at Mine No. 12-007A, Mine No. 62-067, Mines No. 64-014, 64-016, and 64-017. 1967
Handbook of pollution control costs in mine drainage management / 1967
Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Monongahela River System. 1963
Status of Active Deep Mines in the Monongahela River Basin. 1973
Water quality assessment report, Monongahela River Basin 1973
West Virginia's water pollution control program in the Monongahela River Basin 1963

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