Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 5281
Showing: Items 651 - 700
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water pollution control)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Clean Water Act / 2012
Clean Water Act 20 years later 1993
Clean Water Act : a summary of the law / 2002
Clean Water Act : compliance/enforcement guidance manual / 1985
Clean Water Act : state revolving fund loans to improve water quality : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 1996
Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act : analysis, commitments and recommendations for aligning total maximum daily loads and habitat conservation plans : final draft 2/26/99 / 1999
Clean Water Act handbook 1994
Clean Water Act jurisdiction following the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Rapanos v. United States & Carabell v. United States / 2007
Clean Water Act Section 403 : a framework for ecological risk assessment. 1995
Clean Water Act section 403 report to Congress : phase II -- point source discharges inside the baseline. 1994
Clean Water Act Section 404 Regulatory Program and Agricultural Activities. 1990
Clean Water Act thirty-year retrospective : history and documents related to the federal statute. 2004
Clean Water Act, Section 319 : nonpoint source management : what is it all about?. 1995
Clean Water Act: A Primer. 1992
Clean water action plan : Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy / 2000
Clean Water Action Plan. The Second Year Report: Progress Through Partnerships. 2000
Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters. 1998
Clean water and the American economy : proceedings, October 19-21, 1992. 1993
Clean Water and the Cane Sugar Industry. 1995
Clean Water and the Rubber Processing Industry. 1977
Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act of 2011 : report together with dissenting views (to accompany H.R. 2018) (including cost estimate of the Congressional Budget Office). 2011
Clean Water Needs Survey, 1996 (CWNS) (Raw Data File). 1996
Clean water reference book. 1994
Clean water reference book. 1994
Clean water state revolving fun financing America's environmental infrastructure -- a report of progress. 1995
Clean Water. Report to Congress, 1974. 1974
Clean Water: Foundation of Healthy Communities and a Healthy Environment. 2011
Clean watersheds needs survey 2000 : report to Congress. 2003
Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Report to Congress, 2004. 2008
Cleaning up mixed waste streams : the tank truck washing example. 1977
Cleaning Up Our Coastal Waters: An Unfinished Agenda. A Regional Conference. Held in Riverdale, New York on March 12-14, 1990. 1990
Cleaning up our Great Lakes : a report from the Water Quality Board to the International Joint Commission on toxic substances in the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem. 1991
Cleanup efficiency and biological effects of a fuel oil spill in cold weather : the 1977 Bouchard no. 65 oil spill in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts / 1978
Clear Creek interceptor project : Metro District, Commerce City, Colorado / 1981
Clear the waters| a history of the Pacific Northwest Pollution Control Association, 1934 to 1975 / 1976
Closed Cycle Textile Dyeing: Extended Evaluation of Full-Scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration. 1984
Closed loop system for the treatment of water pickle liquor / 1977
Closed process water loop in NSSC corrugating medium manufacture / 1977
Closed Systems for Animal Sewage Treatment. 1971
Closed-cycle cooling systems for steam-electric power plants : a state-of-the-art manual / 1979
Closed-cycle textile dyeing : full-scale hyperfiltration demonstration (design) / 1980
Closed-Cycle Textile Dyeing: Full-Scale Hyperfiltration Demonstration. 1983
Closure of hazardous waste surface impoundments / 1980
Co-gasification of densified sludge and solid waste in a downdraft gasifier / 1982
Coagulation and precipitation of selected metal ions from aqueous solutions / 1979
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Bibliography on Disposal of Refuse from Coal Mines and Coal Cleaning Plants. 1978
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Mine Drainage Bibliography 1910-1976. 1977
Coal conversion control technology / 1979
Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary: Low- and Medium-Btu Wastewaters. 1986
Coal Gasification Environmental Data Summary: Sulfur and Nitrogen Species. 1986
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