Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
Showing: Items 1 - 31
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water efficiency)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bachman Treatment Facility for Excessive Storm Flow in Sanitary Sewers. 1977
Becoming a WAVE supporter. 1995
Becoming a WAVE supporter. 2000
Clean Water: Foundation of Healthy Communities and a Healthy Environment. 2011
Every drop counts / 2006
Federal Register: October 22, 1993. Presidential Documents, Executive Order 12873 of October 20, 1993. Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention 1993
Handbook of water use and conservation : [homes, landscapes, businesses, industries, farms] / 2001
Improving your bottom line through water & wastewater reduction. 1999
Lean & water toolkit / achieving process excellence through water efficiency. 2011
Lean and Water Toolkit: Achieving Process Excellence Through Water Efficiency. 2011
Local ordinances for water efficiency / 1993
Preventing pollution through efficient water use : how efficient water use helps prevent pollution, other reasons to use water wisely, what individuals can do, what communities can do. 1997
Preventing pollution through efficient water use. 1990
Questions & answers about the WaterSense program. 2007
Shrimp canning waste treatment study / 1974
The WaterSense(R) label. 2007
Usando el agua eficientemente / 1999
Usando el agua eficientemente / 1999
Usando el agua eficientemente / ideas para las comunidades 1999
Usando el agua eficientemente / ideas para las residencias. 1999
Usando el agua eficientemente : ideas para los comunidades. 1999
Usando el agua eficientemente : ideas para los negocios comerciales. 1999
Virus sensitivity to chlorine disinfection of water supplies / 1978
Water 2050 : northeastern Illinois regional water supply/demand plan / 2010
Water and energy : leveraging voluntary programs to save both water and energy / 2008
Water conservation program operations and management 2013
Water Efficiency in the West: the Public's View 1986
Water Requirements of Sugarcane Under Irrigation in Lajas Valley, Puerto Rico. 1970
Water-efficient landscaping : preventing pollution & using resources wisely. 2002
Water-Efficient Technologies for the Urban/Residential Sector (a part of the Water-Savers' Handbook) 1988
Watersmart guidebook : a water-use efficiency plan, review guide for new businesses / 2008

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