Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water current meters)

Select Item Title Year Published
Application of the electromagnetic borehole flowmeter : project summary / 1998
Bottom currents in the Weddell Sea : results of long time currentmeter moorings at 74 Degrees S, 40 Degrees W, during IWSOE 1968-1973 / 1974
Calibration and maintenance of vertical-axis type current meters 1968
Chesapeake Bay circulation model : model modification and refinements 1981
Discharge measurements at gaging stations 1969
Evaluation of acoustic Doppler velocity meters to quantify flow from Comal Springs and San Marcos Springs, Texas / 2008
Evaluation of streaming current detectors 1988
Fluence monitoring in UV disinfection systems : development of a fluence meter / 2006
Influence of vertical motion on the savonius rotor current meter / 1963
Levels at streamflow gaging stations 1990
Measurement of clean water flow in closed conduits : velocity-area method using current-meters = Mesure du debit d'eau propre dans les conduites fermees : methode d'exploration du champ des vitesse s au moyen de moulinets. 1975
Portable laser velocimeter for stack velocity measurements / 1972

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