Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1984
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Externalization" of EPA's water laboratory performance evaluation programs : options paper : draft. 1996
'Mysidopsis bahia': An Estuarine Species Suitable for Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests to Determine Effects of a Pollutant. 1977
1. The treatment and disposal of strawboard waste / 1918
1945 progress report on pollution of Oregon streams, 1945
A comparative study of oxygen consumed methods / 1950
A comparative study of water chemistry analyses from Canada, Norway, and the United States : analytical methods and raw data / 1987
A comparison of procedures to determine adsorption capacity of volatile organic compounds on activated carbon / 1985
A compilation of water quality standards for marine waters. 1982
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay : final report. 1965
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1961-62 : south San Francisco Bay area, Suisun Bay-lower San Joaquin River area, San Pablo Bay area / 1963
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1963-64 : North San Francisco Bay area, Central San Francisco Bay area, Lower San Francisco Bay area ; fourth annual report / 1965
A guide to the measurement of marine primary production under some special conditions. 1973
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A manual for measuring dissolved oxygen and nitrogen gas concentration in water with the Van Slyke-Neill apparatus / 1973
A manual of sea water analysis : (with special reference to the more common micronutrients and to particulate organic material) / 1965
A manual of sea water analysis : (with special reference to the more common micronutrients and to particulate organic material) / 1960
A nomogram for the calculation of dissolved oxygen / 1931
A practical guide to water quality studies of streams / 1969
A practical handbook of seawater analysis / 1972
A practical handbook of seawater analysis / 1968
A quantitative method for effluent compliance monitoring resource allocation / 1975
A serial-dilution apparatus for continuous delivery of various concentrations of materials in water / 1965
A solid substrate immunological assay for monitoring organic environmental contaminants / 1977
A study of flame retardants for textiles : final report / 1976
A study of new catalytic agents to determine chemical oxygen demand / 1977
A study on the chemical behavior of zinc in Chesapeake Bay water using anodic stripping voltammetry / 1972
A summary of oil shale activities at the National Bureau of Standards, 1975-1979 / 1980
A summary of selected chemical-quality conditions in 66 California streams, 1950-72 / 1975
A Supplement to Methods for collection and analysis of aquatic biological and microbiological samples : U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of water-resources investigations, book 5, chapter A4 / 1979
A survey of commercially available automatic wastewater samplers / 1976
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
A vulnerability assessment of public-supply wells in Rhode Island / 1999
Abstracts of Publications Reporting Results of Research. 1971
Acid/neutral continuous liquid/liquid extraction of priority pollutants and hazardous substance list compounds / 1988
Acquisition and Analysis of Groundwater/Aquifer Samples: Current Technology and the Trade off between Quality Assurance and Practical Considerations. 1990
Activated carbon adsorption of trace organic compounds / 1977
Active Research Tasks Report. A Compilation of Descriptive Summaries of Intramural and Extramural Research, Development and Demonstration Tasks. 1973
Acute Toxicity and Bioconcentration of Endosulfan-Exposed Estuarine Animals. 1977
Acute toxicity testing with aquatic organisms 1981. 1981
Addendum to Handbook for sampling and sample preservation, EPA-600/4-82-029. 1983
Addendum to: 'Environmental Assessment: Source Test and Evaluation Report--Chapman Low-Btu Gasification'. 1980
Adsorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons from Seawater by a Crosslinked Polymer. 1972
Adsorption of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons from Seawater by a Crosslinked Polymer. 1973
Adsorption of Organic Compounds from Water with Porous Poly(Tetrafluoroethylene). 1984
Adsorption of trace metals by hydrous ferric oxide in seawater / 1980
Adsorption of trace metals from solution during filtration of water samples 1982
Adsorption-Thermal Desorption as a Method for the Determination of Low Levels of Aqueous Organics. 1982
Advances in the identification & analysis of organic pollutants in water / 1981
Ahora viene con una lista de ingredientes. 2000
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