Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Purification methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 1 / 1964
Adsorption of biochemically resistant materials from solution. 2. / 1966
Advanced waste treatment by distillation / 1964
An investigation of ion removal from water and wastewater / 1973
Electrochemical treatment of municipal waste water / 1965
Feasibility of granular, activated-carbon adsorption for waste-water renovation, 2 / 1965
Global issues in water, sanitation, and health : workshop summary / 2009
Removal of radiological, biological, and chemical contaminants from water / 1959
Wastewater microbiology / 2011
Wastewater microbiology / 2005
Water treatment and pathogen control : process efficiency in achieving safe drinking-water / 2004

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