Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution Thermal)

Select Item Title Year Published
A survey of California coastal power plants / 1970
Analysis of engineering alternatives for environmental protection from thermal discharges / 1973
Digital computer simulation of thermal effluent dispersion in rivers, lakes, and estuaries / 1973
Effects of Thermal Loading and Water Quality on Estuarine Primary Production. 1971
Energy consumption of environmental controls : fossil fuel, steam electric generating industry / 1977
Energy Development: The Environmental Tradeoffs. Volume 4: Background Papers. 1975
Environmental Impact Statement. Twin Oak Steam Electric Station, Robertson County, Texas. 1983
Evaluation of pollution control in fossil fuel conversion processes : gasification ; section I: Lurgi Process / 1974
Industrial pollution / 1974
Investigation of Present Thermal Regime of Missouri River in Missouri. 1972
Monitoring environmental impacts of the coal and oil shale industries : research and developments needs / 1977
National thermal pollution research program : state-of-the-art newsletter. 1970
Negatively buoyant jets in a cross flow / 1973
Remote Sensing Study of Steam-Electric Power Plant Thermal Discharges to Lake Erie, Detroit and St. Clair Rivers, Ohio and Michigan. 1974
Sampling strategies for estimating the magnitude and importance of internal phosphorus supplies in lakes / 1981
Study of Some Problems on the Physical Aspects of Thermal Pollution. 1970
Tracking Pollutants from a Distance. 1977
Water Temperature as a Quality Factor in the Use of Streams and Reservoirs 1971

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