Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution Radioactive)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
A regulators' guide to the management of radioactive residuals from drinking water treatment technologies. 2005
Annual Review of Literature on Radioactivity Studies of Air, Water and Wastes, 1955. 1956
Annual Review of Literature on Radioactivity Studies of Air, Water and Wastes, 1956. 1957
Annual Review of Literature on Radioactivity Studies of Air, Water, and Wastes (1954). 1955
Background Radioactivity of Water and Biota of the Savannah River (1951-1952). 1952
Concentration factors and transport models for radionuclides in aquatic environments : a literature report / 1976
Construction and operation of an ion exchange cartridge for monitoring radionuclides in the environment / 1973
Construction and Operation of an Ion Exchange Cartridge Monitoring Radionuclides in the Environment. 1973
Continuous Release-Emergency Response Notification System and Priority Assessment Model: User's Manual for EPA Regions. 1990
Distribution of cobalt 60, zinc 65, strontium 85, and cesium 137 in a freshwater pond / 1967
Distribution of Radioactivity from Rain. 1951
Effects of and on Receiving Waters and Environment (Flora and Fauna) and Effects of and on Water Treatment Processes and Personnel by Radioactivity in Water Supply. 1957
Effects of radioactivity on ground water quality 1980
Environmental Radiation Data. Report 61, January-March 1990. 1990
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Research Program Guide, FY-1987, October 1, 1986-September 30, 1987. 1986
Evaluation of the Impact of the Mines Development, Inc. Mill on Water Quality Conditions in the Cheyenne River. 1971
Fate of Radioactive Contaminants in Water. 1960
Fate of Radioactive Contaminants in Water. 1959
Fresh water pollution. 1973
Impacts of nuclear releases into the aquatic environment : proceedings of an International Symposium on Radiological Impacts of Releases from Nuclear Facilities into Aquatic Environments / 1975
Interim Progress Report on the Decontamination of Radioactive Waters. 1953
Laboratory Chemical Coagulation Studies on the Removal of Fallout Radioactivity in Waters. 1957
Liquid waste effluents from a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant / 1970
Measurement of total radium and radium-226 in environmental waters : a tentative reference method / 1976
Methods and results of EPA's study of radon in drinking water / 1983
Municipal wastewater control technology : research strategy, 1980-1984 / 1980
National Water Quality Network. Supplement 1. Statistical Summary of Selected Data, October 1, 1957-September 30, 1958. 1958
National Water Quality Network: Annual Compilation of Data, October 1, 1957-September 30, 1958. 1958
National Water Quality Network: Annual Compilation of Data, October 1, 1958-September 30, 1959. 1959
Nationwide occurrence of radon and other natural radioactivity in public water supplies / 1985
Prescribed procedures for measurement of radioactivity in drinking water / 1980
Procedures for radiochemical analysis of nuclear reactor aqueous solutions / 1973
Radioactive Contamination as a Factor in Stream Sanitation Studies. 1950
Radioactive waste problems in the Northwest : proceedings of the eighth Symposium on Water Pollution Research. / 1960
Radioactivity associated with geothermal waters in the western United States : a modeling effort to calculate working levels of radon-222 and its progeny for nonelectrical applications / 1978
Radioactivity associated with geothermal waters in the western United States : basic data / 1976
Radioactivity Levels in the Environs of the Rocky Flats Plutonium Plant, Golden, Colorado 1970. 1971
Radioassay Procedures for Environmental Samples. 1967
Radiochemical methodology for drinking water / 1975
Radioecology of aquatic organisms : the accumulation and biological effect of radioactive substances / 1966
Radium 226 in Water (Total, Suspended, and Dissolved) by Radon De-Emanation. 1963
Radium-226 and Radon-222 Concentrations in Central Florida Ground Waters. 1966
Report of the joint program of studies on the decontamination of radioactive waters, 1959
Report on the waste treatment and disposal operation at the 100 and 300 areas, Hanford project, Richland, Washington. 1969
Research highlights, 1979. 1980
Sampling the Oceans for Pollution: A Risk Assessment Approach to Evaluating Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal at Sea. 1986
Statistics for the environment 3 : pollution assessment and control / 1997
Stream Radioactivity Surveys - Biological Aspects. 1956
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