Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Pollution Chemical analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accuracy of Ross pH Combination Electrodes in Dilute Sulphuric Acid Standards. 1987
Acid Deposition and Watershed Characteristics in Relation to Lake Chemistry in Northeastern Minnesota. 1985
Advances in arsenic research : integration of experimental and observational studies and implications for mitigation / 2005
Analysis of Industrial Wastewater for Organic Pollutants in Consent Decree Survey. 1983
Analytical method for determination of asbestos fibers in water / 1983
Analytical Method for Total Heavy Metal Complexing Agents in Water and Its Application to Water Quality Studies. 1973
Analytical Methods Evaluation for Applicability in Leachate Analysis. 1981
Application of a spray deposition method for reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry / 1984
Automated 4AAP Phenolic Method. 1976
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Degradation of Malathion by Salt-Marsh Microorganisms. 1976
Developing methods for analyzing oil dispersants in seawater / 1984
Development and Evaluation of a Procedure for Determining Volatile Organics in Water (Journal Version). 1988
Development and Evaluation of Methods for Total Organic Halide and Purgeable Organic Halide in Wastewater. 1984
Development of a system for conducting inter-laboratory tests for water quality and effluent measurements / 1977
Development of improved analytical techniques for determination of asbestos in water samples / 1983
Effluent Monitoring Procedures: Metals Analyses. Student Reference Manual. 1977
Electrical detection problems in water analysis by spark source mass spectrometry / 1977
Empirical Prediction of Organic Pollutant Sorption in Natural Sediments. 1980
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 18, Method 608 - Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB's. 1984
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Method Study 21, Method 611--Haloethers. 1984
EPA method study 25, method 602 : Purgeable aromatics / 1984
Evaluation of High-Resolution Gas for the Determination of 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD in Soil, Sediment and Water (Journal Version). 1988
Evaluation of Illinois Stream Sediment Data: 1974-1980. 1984
Evaluation of the Hewlett-Packard 5993B Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer. 1981
Evaluation of turbidimetric methods for monitoring of asbestos fibers in water / 1984
Experimental Development of the Master Analytical Scheme for Organic Compounds in Water: Part 2. Appendices. 1985
Field Sampling of Residual Aviation Gasoline in Sandy Soil. 1991
Foam Prevention in Purge and Trap Analysis. 1981
Gas Chromatographic Micromethod for Trace Determinations of Phenols. 1985
Handbook for sampling and sample preservation of water and wastewater / 1982
Handbook for sampling and sample preservation of water and wastewater. 1982
Handbook for sampling and sample preservation of water and wastewater. 1982
Identifying sources of subsurface nitrate pollution with stable nitrogen isotopes / 1979
Interlaboratory Study of the Cold Vapor Technique for Total Mercury in Water. 1975
Letter from Velsicol Chemical Corporation to US EPA regarding 8E Submission for Hexachlorocyclopentadiene with Attachments. 1977
Manganese and Suspended Matter in the Yaquina Estuary, Oregon. 1988
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water : Part 1. protocols / 1985
Measurement of polycyclic organic matter for environmental assessment / 1979
Mobility of organic compounds from hazardous wastes / 1983
Mussel Watch: Intercomparison of Trace Level Constituent Determinations. 1983
New approaches to the preservation of contaminants in water samples / 1979
Oil in the sea III : inputs, fates, and effects. 2003
Optimization of liquid-liquid extraction methods for analysis of organics in water / 1983
Organic Water Pollutant Analysis by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. 1981
Partitioning of No. 2 Fuel Oil in Controlled Estuarine Ecosystems, Sediments and Suspended Particulate Matter. 1980
Personal care compounds in the environment : pathways, fate and methods for determination / 2007
Pesticide analyses by gas chromatography at the Lake Michigan basin office / 1969
Pesticide movement from cropland into Lake Erie / 1974
Plumbosolvency Reduction by High pH and Low Carbonate-Solubility Relationships. 1983
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