Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water Microbiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1984-85 bacteriological water quality at Belleville, Bay of Quinte 1986
A laboratory guide to fungi in polluted waters, sewage, and sewage treatment systems : their identification and culture / 1963
A microbiological survey in Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio / 1971
A microbiological survey in Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohio / 1971
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
Adaptation of microbial communities from an uncontaminated aquifer to degrade organic pollutants / 1988
Advances in aquatic microbiology / 1977
Aerobic Biodegradation of Natural and Xenobiotic Organic Compounds by Subsurface Microbial Communities. 1988
Aerobic decomposition of algae and nutrient regeneration / 1968
Aerobic Metabolism of Trichloroethylene by a Bacterial Isolate. 1986
Algal toxin removal from water : interim progress report / 1992
Algal toxins in seafood and drinking water 1993
Algal/bacterial toxin removal from water : a literature survey / 1991
Analysis of Inactivation of 'Giardia lamblia' by Chlorine. 1989
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : appendix E, predisposal baseline conditions of zooplankton assemblages, final report / 1977
Aquatic geomicrobiology 2005
Aquatic hazard assessment II. 2003
Aquatic microbial ecology. 1995
Aquatic microbiology / 1974
Aquatic microbiology / 1992
Aquatic microbiology / 1980
Aquatic microbiology / 1977
Aquatic plant chemistry, its application to water pollution control. 1970
Aquatic plant chemistry; its application to water pollution control / 1970
Aquatic toxicology and water quality management / 1989
Assay for beta-Glucuronidase in Species of the Genus 'Escherichia' and Its Applications for Drinking-Water Analysis. 1991
Assay of Beta-Glucuronidase in Non-coli Escherichia Using EC-Mug Medium and the Colilert (Trade Name) System. 1990
Assessing and controlling bacterial regrowth in distribution systems / 1990
Assessment of blue-green algal toxins in raw and finished drinking water 2001
Assimilable Organic Carbon and Distribution System Quality. 1991
Attachment and Replication of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' Bacteriophages under Conditions Simulating Aquatic Environments. 1991
Automated treatment and recycle of swine feedlot wastewaters / 1976
Automated treatment and recycle of swine feedlot wastewaters / 1976
Bacteria : water quality standards criteria digest : a compilation of State/Federal criteria. 1980
Bacteria criteria. 1972
Bacterial indicators/health hazards associated with water : a symposium ; Chicago, Ill., 28-29 June 1976 / 1977
Bacterial production and consumption in microlayer and subsurface waters of Padilla Bay, Washington 1995
Bacterial regrowth in distribution systems 1988
Bacterial water quality standards for recreational waters (freshwater and marine waters) : status report / 1998
Bacteriological methods in water quality control programs / 1978
Basic microbiology for drinking water / 2014
Bathing beach monitoring for new indicators 1988
Benefits of maintaining a chlorine residual in water supply systems / 1980
Biological field investigative data for water pollution surveys, by William Marcus Ingram, Kenneth M. Mackenthun and Alfred F. Bartsch. 1966
Biological indicators of water quality 1979
Biotransformation and fate of chemicals in the aquatic environment : proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan, 14-18 August 1979 / 1980
Causes of Waterborne Outbreaks in the United States. 1991
Characterization of an Axenic Strain of 'Hartmannella vermiformis' Obtained from an Investigation of Nosocomial Legionellosis. 1990
Characterization of taste and odors in water supplies / 1971
Checklist : disinfection profiling for the L1ESWTR. 2002
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