Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wastes Sanitary Engineering)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced Waste Treatment by Distillation. 1964
Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program. 1965
Aerobic treatment of fruit processing wastes : a study of aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and activated sludge reaeration in the treatment of fruit cannery waste. 1969
Air pollution aspects of tepee burners used for disposal of municipal refuse / 1966
Air Pollution in the National Capital Area. 1962
An investigation of light-catalyzed chlorine oxidation for treatment of wastewater / 1968
Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen in Natural and Waste Waters. 1966
Behavior of Surfactants and Other Detergent Components in Water and Soil-Water Environments. 1965
Biological problems in water pollution : transactions of the Second Seminar on Biological Problems in Water Pollution, held April 20-24, 1959, at Cincinnati, Ohio / 1960
Collection and Disposal of Solid Waste for the des Moines Metropolitan Area. 1968
Collection, underwater storage, and disposal of pleasurecraft waste : feasibility of connecting sewage holding tanks on board recreational watercraft to a dockside collection system and storage in an underwater tank / 1969
Combustion Power Unit-400: Cpu-400. 1969
Control techniques for hydrocarbon and organic solvent emissions from stationary sources. 1970
Cost and performance estimates for tertiary wastewater treating processes / 1969
Cost of Purifying Municipal Waste Waters by Distillation. 1963
Deep-well Injection of Liquid Waste. A Review of Existing Knowledge and an Evaluation of Research Needs. 1965
Disposal of Wastes from Water Treatment Plants. 1969
Dissolved-Air Flotation Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1970
Economic Evaluation of Water Quality. A Multicomponent Model of Optimal Quality Control in Estuarine Waters. 1969
Electrochemical Treatment of Municipal Waste Water. 1965
Evaluation of operating parameters of alumina columns for the selective removal of phosphorus from wastewaters and the ultimate disposal of phosphorus as calcium phosphate / 1969
Evaluation of the Use of Activated Carbons and Chemical Regenerants in Treatment of Waste Water. 1964
Evaluation of various adsorbents and coagulants for waste-water renovation : by J.N. Williamson ... [et al.] for the Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program, Basic and Applied Sciences Branch, Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center. 1964
Extended-Aeration Plants and Intermittent Watercourses. 1963
Feasibility of Granular, Activated-Carbon Adsorption for Waste-Water Renovation. 1964
Feasibility of Granular, Activated-Carbon Adsorption for Waste-Water Renovation. 2. 1965
Final report : economic evaluation of water / 1969
Gainesville Compost Plant. 1969
Glossary of Commonly Used Biological and Related Terms in Water and Waste Water Control. 1963
Identification of organic compounds in effluents from industrial sources. 1975
Instream Aeration of Polluted Rivers. 1969
Interaction of heavy metals and biological sewage treatment processes. 1965
Interim Guide of Good Practice for Incineration at Federal Facilities. 1969
Joint Municipal and Semichemical Pulping Waste Treatment. A Pilot Plant Study Evaluating Combined Treatment of Domestic Sewage and Weak Semichemical Pulping and Papermaking Wastes. 1969
Land reclamation project : an interim report / 1968
Liquid Waste Disposal in the Lava Terrane of Central Oregon. 1968
Master Plan for Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Tri-Parish Metropolitan Area of New Orleans. 1969
Mathematical model of sewage sludge fluidized bed incinerator capacities and costs / 1969
Pollution and the Life in Water. 1964
Rail Transport of Solid Wastes. 1968
Regeneration of spent granular activated carbon 1969
Research Development and Demonstration Projects. 1970
Special Studies for Incinerators for the Government of the District of Columbia, Department of Sanitary Engineering. 1968
Strainer/filter treatment of combined sewer overflows / 1969
Studies Relating to Market Projections for Advanced Waste Treatment. 1966
Study of Powdered Carbons for Waste Water Treatment and Methods for Their Application. 1969
Study of Sludge Handling and Disposal. 1968
Summaries of Solid Wastes Program. Contracts: July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1968. 1969
Symposium on Streamflow Regulation for Quality Control, April 3-5, 1963. 1965
Systems Study of Air Pollution from Municipal Incineration. Volume I. 1970
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