Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste heat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Fluidized bed combustion process evaluation : phase II--pressurized fluidized bed coal combustion development / 1975
Generation of Steam from Solid Wastes. 1972
Greenhouse production of bedding and foliage plants with industrial heat / 1981
Greenhouse production of bedding and foliage plants with industrial heat / 1981
Guidelines: biological surveys at proposed heat discharge sites, 1970
Interagency energy/environment R & D program : status report III / 1977
Low temperature waste heat desalination (Nord-Aqua) 1981
Macro-Economic Impact and Other Considerations in Selecting Energy Conservation Measures. 1975
Management of power plant waste heat in cold regions 1974
Markets and technology for recovering energy from solid waste / 1974
Measurement of Buoyant Jet Entrainment from Single and Multiple Sources. 1977
Nuclear power plant waste heat horticulture / 1979
Numerical thermal plume model for vertical outfalls in shallow water / 1973
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Optimization of Biological Recycling of Plant Nutrients in Livestock Waste by Utilizing Waste Heat from Cooling Water. 1982
Performance test results of a lithium bromide-water absorption heat pump that uses low-temperature {60 1984
Power plant waste heat utilization in aquaculture : final report, performance period, November 1, 1976 - November 1, 1979 / 1980
Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2. Draft Environmental Statement, Comments of United States Environmental Protection Agency. 1973
Preliminary Analysis of Resource Recovery Alternative for Fayetteville, Tennessee. 1981
Preliminary Feasibility Study of Resource Recovery Opportunities for Cabarrus County, North Carolina. 1980
Proceedings of Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization (3rd), Held at Miami Beach, Florida on May 11-13, 1981. 1982
Proceedings of National Conference on Health, Environmental Effects, and Control Technology of Energy Use, February 9-11, 1976, Washington, D.C. / 1976
Proceedings of the Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization Held at Miami Beach, Florida on May 9-11, 1976. Volume I. 1976
Proceedings of the Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization Held at Miami Beach, Florida on May 9-11, 1976. Volume II. 1976
Proceedings of the Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization Held at Miami Beach, Florida on May 9-11, 1976. Volume III. 1976
Proceedings of the Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization, 9-11 May, 1976 {i.e. 1977} Miami Beach, Florida 1977
Proceedings, Second Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization (December 1978 ; Miami Beach, FL) / 1979
Proceedings, third Conference on Waste Heat Management and Utilization (May 1982 [i.e. 1981], Miami Beach, FL) / 1982
Quad-Cities Station, Units 1 and 2. No Applicable Effluent Limitation, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. 1973
Simulation modeling of thermal effluent in an irrigation system / 1970
Study to predict the effects of thermal additions in the Bay River and Neuse River area of North Carolina 1973
Symposium on Environment and Energy Conservation, November 1975, Denver, Colorado / 1976
Technical manual of selected techniques for case-by-case evaluation of thermal discharges : a report / 1973
The effects of thermal effluent on some of the macrofauna of a subtropical estuary / 1970
Thermal Pollution Reduction by Adiabatic Degassing. 1973
Thermoelectric generators powered by thermal waste from electric power plants / 1970
Utilization of power plant waste heat for sewage sludge digestion : phase I technical feasibility / 1976
Utilization of waste heat from power plants for aquaculture : Gallatin Catfish Project, 1974 annual report / 1974
Verification and transfer of thermal pollution model / 1982
Verification of a numerical model for thermal plumes / 1980
Waste heat from steam-electric generating plants using fossil fuels and its control / 1968
Waste Heat from Steam-Electric Generating Plants Using Fossil Fuels and Its Control. 1968
Waste heat recovery potential in selected industries / 1982
Waste Heat Recovery Potential in Selected Industries. 1981
Workbook of thermal plume prediction, 1972
Workbook of thermal plume prediction, volume 2 : surface discharge / 1974
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