Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste disposal Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1998 follow-up studies to ground water contamination detections / 1999
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas and pump outs in New Hampshire. 2005
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas in New England. 2007
A Boaters guide to no discharge areas in New England. 2009
A study of periphyton biomass measurement variability using cellulose acetate strips. 1984
A thesis entitled "dewatering of oil refinery sludge" / 1970
Advanced oxidation processes for control of off-gas emissions from VOC stripping 1989
Alternative processes for treatment of sinter plant wastewater / 1985
Applications handbook for FASTCHEM 1992
Applying metals criteria to water quality-based discharge limits : empirical models of the dissolved fraction of cadmium, copper, lead, and zinc / 1996
Aquatic biology and the pulp and paper industry : report no. 1 / 1979
Assessment of coal conversion wastewaters : characterization and preliminary biotreatability / 1978
Assessment of potential health risks from dermal exposure to dioxin in paper products. 1987
Assessment of risks from exposure of humans, terrestrial and avian wildlife, and aquatic life to dioxins and furans from disposal and use of sludge from bleached kraft and sulfite pulp and paper mills / 1990
Assessment of selected technologies for remediation of manufactured gas plant sites 1991
Background document on the development and use of reference doses / 1985
Background information document for amendments to 40 CFR part 191 : environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes / 1993
Background information document for amendments to 40 CFR, Part 191 : environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1993
Barrier technologies for environmental management : summary of a workshop / 1997
Characterization of non-conventional pollutant variability in biologically treated pulp mill effluent. 1994
Chemical attenuation rates, coefficients, and constants in leachate migration 1984
Chemical characterization of fossil fuel combustion wastes final report / 1987
Clean water : factors that influence its availability, quality, and its use / 1996
Coal mine drainage prediction and pollution prevention in Pennsylvania / 1998
Comanagement of coal combustion by-products and low-volume wastes a midwestern site / 1992
Comanagement of coal combustion by-products and low-volume wastes a southeastern site / 1991
Comparison of mercury collection techniques using paired runs at a municipal incinerator : prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1974
Conceptual model of a bedded salt repository in the Paradox Basin, Utah : for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1984
Control of emissions from municipal solid waste incinerators 1989
Conversion of a motor vehicle waste disposal well : a UIC Director's Guide. 2000
Damage cases and environmental releases from mines and mineral processing sites / 1997
Damage cases and environmental releases from mines and mineral processing wastes. 1997
Delaware clean marina guidebook / 2003
Department of Energy acting to control hazardous wastes at its Savannah River nuclear facilities report to the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate / 1984
Designing pollution prevention into the process : research, development and engineering. 1993
Detoxification of kraft pulp mill effluent by an aerated lagoon / 1972
Development and application of a risk assessment method for radioactive waste management : final contract report / 1978
Development and application of a risk assessment method for radioactive waste management : final contract report / 1978
Development document for effluent limitation guidelines and standards of performance for the pulp, paper, and paperboard industry 1973
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the petroleum refining point source category. 1979
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the timber products processing point source category. 1979
Dioxin-containing wastes : treatment technologies / 1988
Disposal of Hanford defense high-level, transuranic and tank wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington : final environmental impact statement 1987
Disposal of Hanford defense high-level, transuranic and tank wastes, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington record of decision for the final environmental impact statement / 1986
Disposal of solid aluminum process wastes in the ocean / 1969
Disposal of solid aluminum process wastes in the ocean / 1969
Does your facility generate automotive service wastes? : federal regulations may affect your business operations. 1991
Does your facility generate automotive service wastes?. 1992
Draft background information document for proposed amendments to 40 CFR part 191 : environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1993
Draft regulatory impact analysis, 40 CFR part 191 : environmental standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1982
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