Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste disposal in the ocean Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Study of deep ocean currents near the 3800m low-level radioactive waste disposal site : May 1984 - May 1986 / 1988
A Study of some factors involved in the disposal of radioactive wastes at sea / 1958
Annual report - Environmental Protection Agency/Corps of Engineers Technical Committee on Criteria for Dredged and Fill Material. 1977
Annual report on administration of the ocean dumping permit program : under PL 92-532, "The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972" / 1973
Assessment for future environmental problems : ocean dumping / 1984
Assessment for future environmental problems : ocean dumping / 1983
Assessment of the habitats, biota, sediments, and water quality near the discharge of primary-treated effluent from the Mayaguez Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bahia de Anasco, Puerto Rico 2000
Beaufort Sea drilling effluent disposal study 1981
Biological assessment for the closure of the Mud Dump site and designation of the historic area remediation site in the New York Bight Apex 1997
Biological effects of ocean disposal of solid waste / 1973
Chemical waste incinerator ships : the interagency program to develop a capability in the United States 1981
Citizen's guide to plastics in the ocean : more than a litter problem / 1994
Citizens guide to plastics in the ocean : more than a litter problem / 1988
Citizens guide to plastics in the ocean more than a litter problem / 1989
Disposal of solid aluminum process wastes in the ocean / 1969
Disposal of solid aluminum process wastes in the ocean / 1969
Draft development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the oil and gas extraction point source category / 1974
Draft ecological evaluation of proposed discharge of dredged material into ocean waters / 1990
Draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for Long Island and New Jersey inlet dredged material disposal site designation. 1983
Draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York Bight cellar dirt disposal site designation 1982
Draft environmental impact statement : Coquille ocean dredged material disposal site (ODMDS) designation / 1988
Draft environmental impact statement for designation of a new ocean dredged material disposal site, Pensacola, Florida / 1988
Dredge spoil disposal and PCB contamination : hearings before the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, on exploring the various aspects related to the dumping of dredged spoil material in the ocean and the PCB contamination issue, March 14, May 21, 1980. 1980
Effects of the cessation of sewage sludge dumping at the 12-mile site : proceedings of the 12-Mile Dumpsite Symposium, Ocean Place Hilton Hotel, Long Branch, New Jersey 18-19 June 1991 / 1995
Environmental impact statement (EIS) for Hawaii dredged material disposal sites designation / 1980
Environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York Bight acid waste disposal site designation : final / 1980
Environmental impact statement on the ocean dumping of sewage sludge in the New York Bight : draft / 1976
Environmental impact statement on the ocean dumping of sewage sludge in the New York Bight : final / 1978
Environmental impact statement proposed site designation of the LA-3 ocean dredged material disposal site off Newport Bay, Orange County, California : draft / 2004
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : 2,4,6 Trichlorophenol. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : benzidine. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Benzo(a)anthracene. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : pentachlorophenol. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : phenanthrene. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Polychlorinated biphenyls. 1985
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : Toxaphene. 1985
Environmental survey of an interim ocean dumpsite : Middle Atlantic Bight : cruise report 1-5 May 1973 / 1973
Environmental survey of two interim dumpsites : Middle Atlantic Bight : Operation "Fetch," cruise report 5-10 November 1973 / 1974
Evaluation of at-sea disposal of FGC (flue gas cleaning0 wastes, vol. 1 and vol. 2 [microfiche] / 1984
Evaluation of at-sea disposal of FGC wastes / 1985
Evaluation of ocean disposal of manganese nodule processing waste and environmental considerations 1982
Final data report for the study of floatables in the U.S. waters (harbor studies program) : November 1988 through February 1989 / 1990
Final environmental impact statement (EIS) for 106-mile ocean waste disposal site designation 1979
Final environmental impact statement (EIS) for 106-mile ocean waste disposal site designation. 1980
Final environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York Bight Acid Waste Disposal Site designation / 1980
Final environmental impact statement (EIS) for New York dredged material ocean disposal site designation. 1982
Final environmental impact statement for designation of an ocean dredged material disposal site located off Miami, Florida. 1995
Final environmental impact statement for incineration of wastes at sea under the 1972 Ocean Dumping Convention / 1979
Final environmental impact statement for the site designation of the LA-3 ocean dredged material disposal site off Newport Bay, Orange County, California / 2005
Final environmental impact statement on the ocean dumping of sewage sludge in the New York Bight / 1978
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