Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Waste disposal in the ground)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1972 national dump site survey report / 1973
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities : Bush Valley Landfill, Harford County, Maryland / 2005
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities : Somersworth Sanitary Landfill, Somersworth, New Hampshire / 2005
A case study demonstrating U.S. EPA guidance for evaluating landfill gas emissions from closed or abandoned facilities, Rose Hill Regional Landfill, South Kingstown, Rhode Island / 2005
A class I injection well survey / 1986
A feasibility study of lawn sod production and/or related activities on dredged material disposal sites : final report / 1975
A guide to underground injection control program. 1979
A model for calculating effects of liquid waste disposal in deep saline aquifers / 1976
A preliminary evaluation of the geohydrology and water quality of the Greenacres landfill area, Spokane County, Washington / 1986
A Study of natural and long-term (103-104yr) elemental migration in saturated clays and sediments : part III / 1985
Act to Provide for Liability, Compensation, Cleanup, and Emergency Response for Hazardous Substances released into the Environment and the Cleanup of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites. 1981
Addressing the lead crisis through innovation and technology : field hearing before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, second session, October 15, 2019. 2020
Air CHIEF / 2003
Air CHIEF / 2004
Air pollution aspects of land disposal of toxic waste / 1979
Alaskan technicians : how your motor vehicle facility can affect your community's drinking water 2009
Alternative disposal concepts for high-level and transuranic radioactive waste disposal / 1979
Alternative landfill cover : subsurface contaminants focus area and characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program. 2000
Alternatives to hazardous waste land disposal / 1983
Alternatives to the land disposal of hazardous wastes an assessment for California / 1981
An approach to the fracture hydrology at Stripa : preliminary results / 1979
An evaluation of oil and grease contamination associated with dredged material containment areas : final report / 1977
An evaluation of subsurface conditions at refinery land treatment sites / 1984
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas cleaning wastes in coal mines and at sea : refined assessment / 1984
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in mines and the ocean : initial assessment / 1977
An evaluation of the hydrogeology and groundwater chemistry associated with landfills at LLNL's Site 300 / 1983
An introduction to the technology of subsurface wastewater injection / 1977
Analogues to features and processes of a high-level radioactive waste repository proposed for Yucca Mountain, Nevada / 2010
Analyses and field tests of the hydraulic performance of cement grout-borehole seals 1991
Analysis and confirmation of robust performance for the flow-diversion barrier system within the Yucca Mountain Site 1996
Analysis of lithium in deep basalt groundwaters using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry / 1986
Analysis of solid waste : performance data for SW-846 methods 8270, 8081, and 8141 / 1990
Analysis of the effects of EPA restrictions on the deep injection of hazardous waste. 1991
Annotated literature references on land treatment of hazardous waste / 1984
Annotated literature references on land treatment of hazardous waste / 1984
Applicability of environmental auditing to underground storage tanks : draft report 1986
Applicability of land disposal restrictions to RCRA and CERCLA ground water treatment reinjection superfund management review : recommendation no. 26. 1989
Application of land disposal restrictions to CERCLA remedial actions / 1989
Application of surface complexation models for radionuclide adsorption sensitivity analysis of model input parameters / 1990
Application of the CERCLA municipal landfill presumptive remedy to military landfills. 1996
Aquifer exemptions, Montana. 1984
Arizona's effluent dominated riparian areas : issues and opportunities / 1992
Assessing the geochemical fate of deep-well-injected hazardous waste : a reference guide. 1990
Assessment and recommendations for improving the performance of waste containment systems / 2002
Assessment and recommendations for optimal performance of waste containment systems 2001
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 1 / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 2. Appendices A through C. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 3. Appendices D through E. / 1985
Assessment of fluidized-bed combustion solid wastes for land disposal : volume 4. Appendices F. / 1985
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