Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 33
Showing: Items 1 - 33
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Wasser)

Select Item Title Year Published
A manual on methods for measuring primary production in aquatic environments / 1974
Agriculture and phosphorus management : the Chesapeake Bay / 2000
Aquatic chemical kinetics : reaction rates of processes in natural waters / 1990
Aquatic microbiology / 1977
Aquatic microbiology / 1992
Aquatic microbiology / 1980
Chemistry of the solid-water interface : processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems / 1992
Clouds and storms : the behavior and effect of water in the atmosphere / 1980
Eco-hydrology : plants and water in terrestrial and aquatic environments / 1999
Environmental chemistry / 2010
Handbook of methods in aquatic microbial ecology / 1993
Linkages of sustainability / 2010
Living waters : reading the rivers of the lower Great Lakes / 2009
Methods in aquatic microbiology / 1972
Microbial water stress physiology : principles and perspectives / 1990
Mixing in estuaries and coastal seas / 1996
Mobility and degradation of organic contaminants in subsurface environments / 1992
Nutrients in natural waters, 1972
Physical and chemical characteristics of aquatic humus / 1976
Plant & soil water relationships : a modern synthesis / 1969
Practical handbook of soil, vadose zone, and ground-water contamination : assessment, prevention, and remediation / 2004
Reassessment of metals criteria for aquatic life protection : priorities for research and implementation : proceedings of the Pellston Workshop on Reassessment of Metals Criteria for Aquatic Life Protection, 10-14 February 1996, Pensacola, Florida / 1997
Speciation of metals in water, sediment, and soil systems : proceedings of an international workshop, Sunne, October 15-16, 1986 / 1987
Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural water / 1985
Surface water / 1982
The ecology of freshwater phytoplankton / 1984
The green economy and the water-energy-food nexus / 2018
The NALCO water handbook / 1988
The science of water : concepts & applications / 1998
Water 4.0 : the past, present, and future of the world's most vital resource / 2014
Water : the epic struggle for wealth, power, and civilization / 2010
Water : the fate of our most precious resource / 2001
Water in the 21st-century West : a High country news reader / 2009

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