Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Walleye Fish)

Select Item Title Year Published
Age structured stock assessment of Lake Erie walleye report of the July 22-24, 1986 workshop / 1988
An Investigation of walleye egg hatching success in the Lower Fox River, Wisconsin / 1983
Ecological assessment of factors affecting Walley ova survival in the lower Fox River / 1986
Effects of dieldrin on walleye egg development, hatching and fry survival, 1972
Evaluating temperature regimes for protection of walleye / 1993
Genetic differentiation of walleye stocks in Lake St. Clair and western Lake Erie / 1990
Mercury levels in walleyes from Wisconsin lakes of different water and sediment chemistry characteristics 1989
Modeling the western Lake Erie walleye population : a feasibility study / 1979
Myofibrogranuloma, a muscular dystrophy-like anomaly of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) / 1975
Population biology and management of the walleye in western Lake Superior / 1992
Quota management of Lake Erie fisheries a report of the Lake Erie Fish Community Workshop, held in Bowling Green, Ohio, from 21-25 June 1982 / 1983
Selection of prey by walleyes in the Ohio waters of the central basin of Lake Erie, 1985-1987 / 1992
Status of walleye in the Great Lakes : case studies prepared for the 1989 workshop / 1991
Status of walleye in the Great Lakes : proceedings of the 2006 symposium / 2010
Survival of walleye eggs and fry of known DDT residue levels from ten Wisconsin waters in 1967 / 1968
Temperature effects on eggs and fry of percoid fishes / 1975
The ecology and management of the walleye in western Lake Erie, 1969
The relationship of physical habitat to the distribution of northern pike and walleye in two Montana prairie streams / 1993
Walleye stocks in the Great Lakes, 1800-1975 : fluctuations and possible causes / 1979

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