Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 267
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Select Item Title Year Published
5th International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions : integrating knowledge for managing impacts : selected papers of a Sea Grant College Program-ICES-PICES conference held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 21-24 May 2007 / 2007
A guide to customer incentives for water conservation / 1994
Abridged knowledge review 2008/09 : quenching the thirst for knowledge / 2009
Abridged knowledge review, 2006/07. 2007
Aliso Water Management Agency study : an investigation of selected sewage treatment facilities in Orange County / 1973
Allegheny River Reservoir: Benefits Resulting from Low-Flow Regulation by the Proposed Allegheny Reservoir. 1957
Alternative Is Conservation: A Companion Guide. 1980
Application of dye-tracing techniques for determining solute-transport characteristics of ground water in karst terranes / 1988
Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah. 1971
Appraisal of Plans to Meet the Fresh Water Requirements of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Area. 1972
Arroyo Colorado Agricultural Nonpoint Source Assessment. 2012
ASCE/EPA Climate Change Cooperative Agreement 1996
Assessing Ground-Water Vulnerability to Contamination: Providing Scientifically Defensible Information for Decision Makers. 2003
Assessment of ground water monitoring for land treatment and lagoon systems at EPA construction grant projects / 1985
Baseline Report on Water Pollution. St. Johns River Basin. 1951
BASINS 4.0 Climate Assessment Tool (CAT): Supporting Documentation and User's Manual. 2009
Benefit-cost analysis for water system planning 1971
BMP Modeling Concepts and Simulation. 2006
Cape Cod Waste Water Renovation and Retrieval System, a Study of Water Treatment and Conservation First Year of Operation. 1975
Catching the rain : a Great Lakes resource guide for natural stormwater management / 2004
CBM water management strategies 2001
CCAMP bibliographies : publications and maps / 1988
Central Valley Project, State Water Project and Salinity Control in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 1975
Challenges ahead : flood loss reduction strategies for the '90s {Microfiche} : proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, June 11-15, 1990, Asheville, North Carolina. 1990
Characteristics of successful riparian restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Chesapeake Bay Program : findings and recommendations. 1983
Chicagoland water and wastewater preparedness and business resiliency summit : a community forum on interdependencies : meeting summary findings and recommendations. 2008
Citizen and Water Management: An Atlas of Water Attitudes in Southern Minnesota. 1974
Clean water : a memorial day perspective. 1994
Clean Water Action Plan: Restoring and Protecting America's Waters. 1998
Clean watersheds needs survey 2000 : report to Congress. 2003
Clean Watersheds Needs Survey Report to Congress, 2004. 2008
Cleaner water through conservation. 1995
Cleaning up Europe's waters : economics, management, and policies / 1976
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: A Review of Water Utility Practices. 2010
Colfax Watershed, Watershed Plan - Environmental Assessment, Richland County, North Dakota (Interagency Review Draft) 1998
Computer Simulation of Ground Water Aquifers of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. 1973
Connecting the drops toward creative water strategies : a water sustainability tool / 2002
Cooperation in Urban Water Management, Conference Proceedings. 1983
Coordinated comprehensive river basin planning estimates for fiscal year ... : Upper Colorado region / 1969
Countywide Projections of Community Water Supply Needs in the Midwest. 2004
Data book of world lake environments : a survey of the state of world lakes / 1989
Decision processes in water quality management / 1971
Decision-Making in Wastewater/Drinking Water Management. 1991
Deer Creek Reservoir Restoration 1993
Demonstrated technology and research needs for reuse of municipal wastewater / 1975
Demonstration of a geographic information system for ground water protection / 1988
Demonstration of a planning perspective for the ultimate disposal of residual wastes : Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana / 1976
Department of Ecology wastewater discharge permit study final report / 1990
Detection and Predictability of Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Trends of Riverine Nutrient Loads in the Midwest. 2016
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