Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Sanitary Survey Training: Instructor's Guide for Sanitarians of Micronesia. 1989
Sanitary Survey Training: Instructor's Technical Manual. 1983
Small systems guide to Safe Drinking Water Act regulations : the first STEP to providing safe and reliable drinking water. 2003
Southeast Water Resources: Management and Supply Issues, Symposium Report. Held in Chattanooga, Tennessee on August 24-26, 1998. 1999
Stemming the tide : controlling introductions of nonindigenous species by ships' ballast water / 1996
Storm Water Management Model Reference Manual Volume I - Hydrology (Revised). 2016
Storm Water Management Model User's Manual, Version 3. Addendum 1: EXTRAN (Extended Transport). 1984
Storm water management model, quality assurance report dynamic wave flow routing / [electronic resource] : 2006
Stormwater Management Pond Design Example for Extended Detention Wet Pond. 1995
Strategic Assessment of Near Coastal Waters: Northeast Case Study. 1987
Stressor identification guidance document. 2000
Success factors in self financing local water management : a contribution to the Third World Water Forum in Japan 2003 / 2003
Summary analysis of the North American (US portion) OECD eutrophication project : nutrient loading--lake response relationships and trophic state indices / 1978
Surface Infiltration Rates of Permeable Surfaces: Six Month Update (November 2009 through April 2010). 2010
Susceptibility of East Coast Estuaries to Nutrient Discharges: Albemarle/Pamlico Sound to Biscayne Bay. 1989
Susceptibility of East Coast Estuaries to Nutrient Discharges: Passamaquoddy Bay to Chesapeake Bay. 1989
Sustainable water development and management : a synthesis / 1989
SWAT Modeling of The Arroyo Colorado Watershed. 2012
SWMM-CAT User's Guide. 2014
Symposium on Ballast Water Management and Aquatic Nuisance Species: Setting a Research Agenda for the Great Lakes. Held in Duluth, Minnesota on April 29, 1999. 1999
Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems. 1973
Tests of subsurface storage of freshwater at Hialeah, Dade County, Florida, and numerical simulation of the salinity of recovered water 1997
The Cape Cod Aquifer Management Project (CCAMP) : executive summary. 1988
The drinking water state revolving fund program : financing America's drinking water from the source to the tap : a report to Congress / 2000
The drinking water state revolving fund program : financing America's drinking water from the source to the tap : report to Congress / 2003
The quality of our nation's water : 1992. 1994
The RETC code for quantifying the hydraulic functions of unsaturated soils / 1992
The state of federal facilities : a comprehensive overview of the environmental compliance status of federal facilities through the end of FY 1992. 1994
The Statewide watershed management course. 1994
The Wild Side: A 10-part series on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in North Dakota
Third International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, March 16-19, 2003, convened at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California : abstract book / 2003
Three Case Studies to Improve Industrial Waste Management in Baltimore-Area Metal-Finishing Plants. Executive Summary. 1995
Total Electronic Asset Management System (TEAMs) / 2006
Total Water Management. 2012
Toward Clean Water: A Guide to Citizen Action. 1976
Transcript of Ohio Water Management Conference, 1960
Trends and patterns in Section 404 Permitting requiring compensatory mitigation in Oregon and Washington, USA / 1992
U.S. Water Demand, Supply and Allocation: Trends and Outlook 2006
United States Environmental Protection Agency's 2009 Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) Annual Accomplishments Report. 2010
Urban runoff management information, education products / 1993
Urban runoff pollution prevention and control planning : handbook. 1993
Urban Stormwater Management: Legislation is Necessary. Session 3. Topics in Planning and Management. 1988
Using Financial, Technical and Managerial Capacity Measures in an Assistance-Oriented Approach to Comparative Performance Assessment of Small Drinking Water Utilities in the Midwest Technology Assistance Center (MTAC) Region. 2006
Using smart growth techniques as stormwater best management practices. 2005
Utilization of Small Systems Treatment in Latin America and China 1996
Volunteer water monitoring : a guide for state managers / 1990
Waste and Water Management for Conventional Coal Combustion Assessment Report - 1979; Volume II. Water Management. 1980
Water conservation plan guidelines / 1998
Water Management Improvement Studies, Water Management Improvement Plan 1Y09126 B0128 1994
Water Quality Controversy in Minnesota and the Marginal Costs of Alternative Levels of Water Quality in the Upper Mississippi River. 1971
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