Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis and Findings of the Gallup Organization's Drinking Water Customer Satisfaction Survey. 2003
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico. 1973
Arid lands : a geographical appraisal / 1966
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities at Maryland's Core/Trend Monitoring Stations: Water Quality Status and Trends. 2009
Definition of a public water system. 1998
Detection and Predictability of Spatial and Temporal Patterns and Trends of Riverine Nutrient Loads in the Midwest. 2016
Ecological Characterization and Landscape Assessment of the Humboldt River Basin. 2013
Ecological principles for economic development / 1973
Economics and public policy in water resource development / 1964
Executive Summary Field Testing and Adaptation of a Methodology to Measure "In-Stream" Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region 1977
Final industrial, commercial and institutional water management guidebook for utilities 1992
Marlboro Water Conservation Project Final Report. 2010
Occurrence and Characteristics of Ground Water in the Denver-Julesberg Basin, Wyoming. Volume VIII-A 1981
Preliminary data summary for industrial container and drum cleaning industry. 2002
Preventing pollution through efficient water use : how efficient water use helps prevent pollution, other reasons to use water wisely, what individuals can do, what communities can do. 1997
Preventing pollution through efficient water use. 1990
Statewide water supply initiative 2010: final report 2011
Symposium on recycling water supply systems and reuse of treated water at industrial plants / 1978
The big thirst : the secret life and turbulent future of water / 2012
The big thirst : the secret life and turbulent future of water / 2011
The world's water, 2008-2009 : the biennial report on freshwater resources / 2009
The world's water, volume 7 : the biennial report on freshwater resources / 2012
Water for Denver; an Analysis of the Alternatives 1980
Water-Efficient Technologies for the Urban/Residential Sector (a part of the Water-Savers' Handbook) 1988
Water. 1955

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