Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Viruses)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Virology methods manual / 1996
VIRTUS, a model of virus transport in unsaturated soils / 1992
Virus Adsorption to Mineral Surfaces Is Reduced by Microbial Overgrowth and Organic Coatings. 1985
Virus and rickettsial classification and nomenclature, 1953
Virus aspects of applying municipal waste to land : symposium proceedings, June 1976 / 1976
Virus behavior in saturated and unsaturated subsurface media / 2002
Virus inactivation in plasma products 1989
Virus inactivation in wastewater effluents by chlorine, ozone, and ultraviolet light / 1981
Virus particle aggregation and halogen disinfection of water supplies / 1976
Virus Persistence in Groundwater. 1985
Virus removal -- water and wastewater, July 1, 1969 - December 31, 1971. 1971
Virus removal during conventional drinking water treatment / 1985
Virus Removal during Groundwater Recharge: Effects of Infiltration Rate on Adsorption of Poliovirus to Soil. 1981
Virus Removal--Water and Wastewater. 1972
Virus sensitivity to chlorine disinfection of water supplies / 1978
Virus survival in water and wastewater systems 1974
Virus transport in physicochemically heterogeneous porous media 1997
Virus transport through percolating beds : technical completion report 1981
Virus-associated cancers in Africa = les cancers associes aux virus en Afrique : proceedings of a symposium 1984
Virus-Like Particles with T=19 Icosahedral Symmetry in a Human Gastroenteritis Stool. 1985
Viruses and cancer 1985
Viruses and cancer : report of a WHO scientific group. 1965
Viruses and disinfection of water and wastewater : proceedings of the International Symposium, held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, 1-4 September 1982 1982
Viruses and invertebrates. 1973
Viruses and plasmids in fungi 1979
Viruses and the environment 1984
Viruses and trace contaminants in water and wastewater : [proceedings] / 1977
Viruses as causative agents in cancer 1952
Viruses in Drinking Water. 1986
Viruses in Finished Water: The Occoquan Experience. 1976
Viruses in Groundwater. 1980
Viruses in search of disease 1957
Viruses in Waste, Renovated and Other Waters, 1972 Literature Abstracts. 1973
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters / 1980
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : 1974 literature abstracts / 1975
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : [1972 literature abstracts] / 1972
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : [1975 literature abstracts] / 1976
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : [1976 literature abstracts] / 1977
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters : [1977 literature abstracts] / 1978
Viruses in waste, renovated, and other waters. 1971
Viruses in Waste, Renovated, and Other Waters. 1970
Viruses in Waste, Renovated, and Other Waters. 1971 Literature Abstracts. 1971
Viruses in Waste, Renovated, and Other Waters. 1973 Literature Abstracts. 1974
Viruses in Waste, Renovated, and Other Waters. Literature Abstracts. 1969
Viruses in Wastewater. 1982
Viruses in water and reclaimed wastewater / 1984
Viruses in water and reclaimed wastewater / 1983
Viruses in water systems detection and identification / 1988
Viruses, Organics, and Other Health-Related Constituents of the Occoquan Watershed and Water Service Area. Part II. Viruses. 1981
Viruses, organics, and other health-related constituents of the Occoquan watershed and water-service area / 1979
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