Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 115
Showing: Items 101 - 115
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Vehicles Motors Exhaust gas United States)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Summary and analysis of comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking for emission standards and test procedures for natural gas-fueled and liquefied petroleum gas-fueled vehicles and engines, and certification procedures for aftermarket conversion systems / 1994
Summary and analysis of comments to the notice of proposed rulemaking : "Evaporative emission regulation and test procedures for gasoline-fueled heavy-duty vehicles" / 1980
Task no. 4, Evaluation of emissions from motorized bicycles : task report / 1978
The emission characteristics of methanol and compressed natural gas in light vehicles / 1988
The environmental impacts of the use of methanol as a motor vehicle fuel / 1983
The projection of mobile source air toxics from 1996 to 2007 : emissions and concentrations : draft report / 2001
Transportation control measures / 1997
Transportation control measures : an information document for developing and implementing emissions reductions programs. 2011
Travel efficiency assessment method : key takeaways from state and local case studies to reduce transportation emissions / 2020
U.S. transportation sector greenhouse gas emissions 1990-2009. 2012
Update heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors for MOBILE6 : analysis of fuel economy, non-engine fuel economy improvements and fuel densities : M6.HDE.002 / 2002
Update heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors for MOBILE6: analysis of BSFCs and calculation of heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors / 1998
Update heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors for MOBILE6: analysis of BSFCs and calculation of heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors : M6.HDE.004 / 2002
Update heavy-duty engine emission conversion factors for MOBILE6: analysis of fuel economy, non-engine fuel economy improvements and fuel densities / 1998
Update of fleet characterization data for use in Mobile6 : final report / 1998
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