Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 114
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Variance)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions : a guidance manual for petitioners. 1990
A brief treatise on the problems associated with using one vehicle to determine the dynamometer power absorption for a second similar vehicle / 1978
A compendium of superfund field operations methods. 1987
A Compendium of Superfund field operations methods. 1988
A Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) / 1986
A research plan to study emissions from small internal combustion engines / 1980
Action of 50 Hz Magnetic Fields on Neurite Outgrowth in Pheochromocytoma Cells. 1993
Analysis and design of certain quantitative multiresponse experiments, 1971
Analysis of binary data 1970
Analysis of covariance / 1978
Analysis of experiments with missing data 1985
Analysis of messy data 1984
Analysis of messy data : volume 2 - nonreplicated experiments / 1989
Analysis of variance 1980
Analysis of variance 1976
Applied linear statistical models / 1996
Applied linear statistical models : regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs / 1985
Applied linear statistical models; regression, analysis of variance, and experimental designs 1974
Assessing the Use of Known Mutagens to Calibrate the 'Salmonella typhimurium' Mutagenicity Assay. 2. With Exogenous Activation. 1991
Atmospheric turbulence properties in the lowest 300 meters / 1975
Background document for first third wastes to support 40 CFR part 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Addendum: capacity analysis for K061 wastes. 1991
Background document for land disposal restrictions : Wood preserving wastes (final rule), Capacity analysis and response to capacity-related comments. 1997
Background Document for the Capacity Analysis to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions for Ignitable and Corrosive Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated (Interim Final Rule). 1993
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 1995
Characterization of the Activated Sludge Process. 1973
Comparison of Variance Estimators of the Horvitz-Thompson Estimator for Randomized Variable Probability Systematic Sampling. 1994
Components of variance 2003
Confidence intervals on variance components / 1992
Contingent valuation assessment of the economic damages of pollution to marine recreational fishing / 1989
Design and analysis of experiments / 1991
Design and analysis of experiments : classical and regression approaches with SAS / 2009
Determination of the Significiance of Variables Affecting Residential Water Consumption. 1970
Development of a Recommended System for Determining NPDES Method Equivalency. 1978
Development of adjustment factors for on-road fuel economy microform / 1981
Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) {microform} 1986
Dynamometer and track measurement of passenger car fuel economy / 1981
Economic Effects of Pawtuckaway State Park: V. Effect of Park Use on Environmental Quality. 1972
Effect of Laboratory Ambient Conditions on Exhaust Emissions. 1970
Effects of fluctuating, sublethal applications of heavy metal solutions upon the gill ventilatory response of bluegills (Lepomis macrochirus) / 1981
Efficiency of Kriging Estimation for Square, Triangular, and Hexagonal Grids. 1987
Efficiency of Least Squares Estimators in the Presence of Spatial Autocorrelation. 1993
EMAP statistical methods manual / 1996
Empirical General Population Assessment of the Variance and Variance Estimators of the Horvitz-Thompson Estimator under Variable Probability Sampling. 1990
Environmental assessment of utility boiler combustion modification NOX controls / 1980
Estimate of the Variability in Biotransformation Kinetics of Xenobiotics in Natural Waters by Aufwuchs Communities. 1987
Experiment in Computer-Assisted Supervisory Control of a Water Distribution System. 1972
Extension of the Horvitz-Thompson Theorem to Point Sampling from a Continuous Universe. 1993
Final : Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for spent potliners from primary aluminum reduction-K088 / 1996
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1987
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : measuring pollutants for which national ambient air quality standards have been promulgated / 1973
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