Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
131I levels in cow's milk following ingestion of contaminated alfalfa or sudan grass / 1975
A climatology of temperature and precipitation variability in the United States / 1989
A climatology of temperature and precipitation variability in the United States / 1989
A Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) / 1986
A framework for assessing health risk of environmental exposures to children / 2006
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
Airway Structure Variability in the Long-Evans Rat Lung. 1991
Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition to Coastal Estuaries and their Watersheds. 2001
Characterization of Data Uncertainty and Variability in IRIS Assessments: Pre-Pilot vs Pilot/Post-Pilot. 2008
Characterization of data variability and uncertainty : health effects assessments in the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) : in response to Congress, HR 106-379 / 2000
Characterization of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Non-Urban Ozone Concentrations over the Eastern United States. 1993
Climate constraints and issues of scale controlling regional biomass {microfiche} 1990
Comparison of some statistical tests for cloud seeding experiments / 1971
Computationally Efficient Method for the Characterization of Sub-Grid-Scale Precipitation Variability for Sulfur Wet Removal Estimates. 1994
Detection of Chemically Induced Aneuploidy with Plant Test Systems. 1986
Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Quantifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. 2008
Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) {microform} 1986
Effect of Fuel Additives on the Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Particulate Emissions in Automotive Exhaust. 1972
Effect of physical coal cleaning on sulfur content and variability / 1980
Effects of a Continuous Low-Level No. 2 Fuel Dispersion on Laboratory-Held Intertidal Colonies. 1977
Effects of Air Pollution on Public Attitudes and Knowledge. 1972
Estimate of the Variability in Biotransformation Kinetics of Xenobiotics in Natural Waters by Aufwuchs Communities. 1987
Estimating Sample Requirements for Field Evaluations of Pesticide Leaching. 1987
Examining the Temporal Variability of Ammonia and Nitric Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Processes. 2000
Exposure factors handbook : volume 1 of 3. General factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook : volume 1, general factors. 1997
Exposure factors handbook CDROM [electronic resource]. 1999
Extent and magnitude of recent changes in forest condition and the role of air pollution and non-air pollution factors / 1990
Facilitated transport 1991
Facilitated transport / 1989
Factors in Assessing the Compatibility of FMLs (Flexible Membrane Liners) and Waste Liquids. 1988
Field Sampling in Estuaries: The Relationship of Scale to Variability. 1987
FIELDS Statistical Evaluation Report: South Minneapolis Soil Contamination Superfund Site, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2007
Fixed vs. Variable Environmental Standards 1973
Goals and Accomplishments of the Corvallis Risk Assessment Biotechnology Program. 1989
Guidelines for deriving numerical aquatic site-specific water quality criteria by modifying national criteria / 1984
Guiding Principles for Monte Carlo Analysis. 1997
Human variability in susceptibility to toxic chemicals - I. noncarginogens {microfiche} 1986
Human Variability in Susceptibility to Toxic Chemicals: A Preliminary Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Data from Normal Volunteers. 1987
Influence of Greenhouse versus Field Testing and Taxonomic Differences on Plant Sensitivity to Chemical Treatment. 1990
Inter-Laboratory Variability in Ames Assay Results. 1987
Interlaboratory Comparison of a 28-Day Toxicity Test with the Polychaete 'Neanthes arenaceodentata'. 1985
Intersubject Variability in Human Acute Ozone Responsiveness. Symposium Proceedings. 1991
Locating Monitoring Stations in Water Distribution Systems. 1993
Margins of Safety for Aquatic Communities. 1981
Meteorological Influences on Mountain Cloudwater Chemistry in the Eastern USA. 1989
Method Evaluation Study: The Application of SemiVOST to the Nonhalogenated Semivolatile Organic Compounds from the Clean Air Act Amendments. 1996
Model of Community Problem Solving and Selected Empirical Applications. 1971
National Atmospheric Deposition Program: 1997 Wet Deposition. 1997
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