Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Vapor pressure)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2006 annual summary of emission-related recall and voluntary service campaigns performed on light duty vehicles and light-duty trucks / 2007
ADL Migration Estimation Model (for Microcomputers) (Release Number 1). 1990
Aerosol research branch, annual report : FY 1976/76A / 1977
Analysis of fuel samples from Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia / 1986
Analysis of potential methods to determine volatilities of heavy crude oils. 1981
Analysis of selected enhancements for soil vapor extraction / 1997
Aspects of the Relationship Between Temperature and Aquatic Chemistry. 1973
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : lessons learned about in situ air sparging at the Denison Avenue Site, Cleveland, Ohio / 1994
Assessment of Impacts on the Refining and Natural Gas Liquids Industries of Summer Gasoline Vapor Pressure Control. 1987
Atmospheric transport and deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans / 1991
Bo[l]etin tcnico seleccionando un sistema de adsorcion para COV, carbon, zeolita, o polimeros?. 1999
Characteristics of spilled oils, fuels, and petroleum products : 1. composition and properties of selected oils / 2003
Development of field applied DDT / 1974
Ebulliometric Measurement of the Vapor Pressure of Difluoromethane. 1993
Effect of evaporative canister removal and Reid vapor pressure on hydrocarbon evaporative emissions / 1984
Effects of Changing Coals on the Emissions of Metal Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Combustion of Pulverized Coal. 1995
Effects of Reid vapor pressure on hydrocarbon evaporative emissions / 1984
Emissions results of oxygenated gasolines and changes in RVP. 1991
Environmental fate constants for additional 27 organic chemicals under consideration for EPA's hazardous waste identification projects / 1995
Environmental transport and transformation of polychlorinated biphenyls / 1983
EPA's survey of in-use driving patterns : implications for mobile source emission inventories / 1991
Estimation of Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Retention Times from Molecular Structure. 1994
Evaluation of equations for designing ammoniacal scrubbers to remove sulfur oxides from waste gas / 1974
Evaluation of several methods to measure volatility of motor fuels / 1987
EVAP3.0 CRC Evaporative Emission Model: User's Manual. 1993
Evaporation rate of volatile liquids. : Final report, second edition / 1989
Evaporative Emission Model (EVAP 3.0) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Experimental results for phase equilibria and pure component properties / 1991
Fate of Dyes in Aquatic Systems. 1. Solubility and Partitioning of Some Hydrophobic Dyes and Related Compounds. 1988
Feasibility of including regional and temporal VOC emissions estimates in the EPA emissions trends report / 1990
Final regulatory impact analysis : refueling emission regulations for light duty vehicles and trucks and heavy duty vehicles / 1994
Fluorinated Ethers: A New Series of CFC Substitutes. 1991
Fuel volatility effects on exhaust emissions / 1990
Gaseous Behavior of TCE (Trichloroethylene) Overlying a Contaminated Aquifer. 1987
General Circulation Model Scenarios for the Southern United States. 1997
Guide on federal and state summer RVP standards for conventional gasoline only. 2010
Humidity calculations used for mobile source emission testing / 1983
Improved transpiration method for the measurement of very low vapor pressures 1986
In-house test program report no. 3 : effect of fuel composition / 1976
Inspection Manual for enforcement of new source performance standards : volatile Hydrocarbon storage / 1977
Isotope Effect on the Thermodynamic Activity of Water. 1971
Letter from Akzo Chemie America to US EPA Regarding Submission of Oleylamine Data with Attachments. 2000
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
Misting of Low Vapor Pressure Halocarbons. 1995
New Chemical Alternatives for the Protection of Stratospheric Ozone. 1995
Photolysis of Aryl Ketones with Varying Vapor Pressures on Soil. 1992
Physical property data on fluorinated propanes and butanes as CFC and HCFC alternatives / 1992
Physical-chemical properties and categorization of RCRA wastes according to volatility / 1985
Pollution Prevention (P2) Framework. 2005
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