Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Utah)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical quality of surface water in the Flaming Gorge Reservoir Area, Wyoming and Utah / 1973
Chronic toxicity and interactions between P, P -DDT, P, P -DDD, P, P -DDE and pelagic crustacean larvae / 1978
Chronic toxicity and interactions between P, P(S)-DDT, P, P(S)-DDD, P, P(S)-DDE and pelagic crustacean larvae / 1978
Clean water for Utah 1985
Cleaning-up abandoned and orphaned mines in California : a case comparison: Pacific Mine (UT) and the Mount Diablo Mercury Mine (CA) : the good samaritan initiative / 2009
Climate change and Utah. 1998
Coal production from the Uinta region, Colorado and Utah; cost analysis for proposed underground mining operations, 1970
Colonization of benthic invertebrates on artificial substrates in the Snake and Bear river drainages, 1975-1976 / 1978
Colorado River Basin Project. Technical Session, Denver, Colorado, April 14-15, 1965. 0
Colorado River Basin Region, Comprehensive River Basin Planning Estimates, Fiscal Year 1965 1963
Colorado, Utah tourbook 0
Columbia River Interstate Compact, Politics of Negotiation. 1972
Community health associated with arsenic in drinking water in Millard County, Utah / 1982
Community health associated with arsenic in drinking water in Millard County, Utah / 1981
Community Health Associated with Arsenic in Drinking Water in Millard County, Utah. 1981
Community Noise Control: Measurement and Regulation. Proceedings of a Conference Held at Tucson, Arizona on April 9-10, 1980. 1980
Community-Based Environmental Decision-Making for Western Watersheds. 1994
Comparison of Consumer's Surplus and Monopoly Revenue Estimates of Recreational Value for Two Utah Waterfowl Marshes. 1973
Compilation of chemical quality data for ground and surface waters in Utah 1958
Compilation of selected hydrologic data from the MX missile-siting investigation, east-central Nevada and western Utah / 1984
Compliance Assurance Program, Final Report 0
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report: Ogden Chrome Plating and Bumper Exchange, Ogden, Utah. 1990
Comprehensive Energy Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII for FY 1975. 1974
Comprehensive Energy Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII for FY 1975. 1974
Computer Model of the Quantity and Chemical Quality of Return Flow. 1971
Computer Simulation of the Hydrologic and Salinity Flow Systems within the Bear River Basin. 1973
Computer Simulation of the Hydrologic-Salinity Flow System Within the Upper Colorado River Basin. 1970
Consolidation of Irrigation Systems: Engineering, Legal, and Sociological Constraints and/or facilitators. Phase I. 1973
Consumptive use of water by native vegetation and irrigated crops in the Virgin River area of Utah 1964
Coordination of agricultural and urban water quality management in the Utah Lake drainage area / 1973
Coordination of Agricultural and Urban Water Quality Management in the Utah Lake Drainage Area. 1973
Correlation of Florida Soil-Gas Permeabilities with Grain Size, Moisture, and Porosity. 1991
Daily water-temperature records for Utah streams, 1944-68 1970
Dead pool : Lake Powell, global warming, and the future of water in the west / 2008
Demand for agricultural water in Utah 1973
Demonstration Response of Provo River Biota to Hale Generating Station Thermal Effluent 1976
Desert solitaire : a season in the wilderness / 1968
Desert water : the future of Utah's water resources / 2014
Developing a state water plan; Utah's water resources-problems and needs, a challenge. 1963
Developing a State Wide Plan, Ground-water Conditions in Utah, Spring of 1986 1986
Development of a biological monitoring network : a test case, suitability of livestock and wildlife as biological monitors for organophosphorus contaminants / 1975
Development of an Acid Deposition Strategy for EPA Region VIII Task I: Inventory of Regional Acid Deposition Research 1984
Development of Coal Resources in Southern Utah, Final Environmental Statement, Part 1 - Regional Analysis, Part 2 - Site Specific Analysis 1979
Development of Techniques for Multi-Purpose Management of Reusable Water Before it Enters the Great Salt Lake. 1965
Development of Techniques for Multi-Purpose Management of Reusable Water Before it Enters the Great Salt Lake. 1966
Diagnostic and Feasibility Report on Salem Lake, Phase I Clean Lakes Study 1991
Diamond Fork Power System, Draft Environmental Statement 1983
Diamond Fork Power System, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1984
Diamond Fork System, Draft No Action Alternative, Summary of Flows in Diamond Fork Creek and Spanish Fork River 1999
Diamond Fork System, Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
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