Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Utah)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of a hazardous waste disposal site at Rose Park, Salt Lake City, Utah / 1980
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the San Juan Basin / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Yampa and White River basins / 1980
Assessment of macroinvertebrate monitoring techniques in an energy development area : a test of the efficiency of three macrobenthic sampling methods in the White River / 1979
Assessment of the radiological impact of the inactive uranium-mill tailings at Mexican Hat, Utah 1980
Assessment of the Shallow Aquifer in Salt Lake Valley 1983
Assessment of water resources in Utah and Nevada for a proposed electric-power generating station 1977
Atlas of Western Surface-Mined Lands: Coal, Uranium, and Phosphate. 1978
Availability of ground water in the Bear River valley, Wyoming / 1963
BASINS : Region 8. 2001
Be Aware of Wetlands 1985
Bear Lake and its future. 1962
Bear River evaluation report : 1974 survey / 1975
Bear River investigations : Idaho, Utah, Wyoming : status report, June 1970 / 1970
Beaver River Basin, Utah and Nevada 1972
Bedrock aquifers in the northern San Rafael swell area, Utah, with special emphasis on the Navajo sandstone / 1984
Bedrock aquifers of eastern San Juan County, Utah 1986
Before the Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. : in the matter of proposed rule making concerning national ambient air quality standards : comments of Kennecott Copper Corporation. 1972
Best management practices for salinity control in Grand Valley / 1978
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Reports for Utah 1987
Bibliography of Utah geology, 1950 to 1970 / 1974
Bioavailability of Lead in a Slag Sample from the Midvale Slag NPL Site, Midvale, Utah 1998
Bioavailability of Lead in Soil Samples from the Kennecott NPL Site, Salt Lake City, Utah 1997
Bioremediation field evaluation. Hill Air Force Base, Utah. 1997
Bioremediation field initiative site profile : Hill Air Force Base Superfund site. 1993
Bioremediation field initiative site profile : Hill Air Force Base Superfund site. 1995
Bioremediation in the field. 1990
Bioventing Forum and Site Demonstration, Hill Air Force Base, Utah 1995
BLM Utah final initial wilderness inventory. 1979
Cancer incidence in defined populations 1980
Canyon Winds at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. 1957
Canyonlands National Park : Lathrop Canyon abandoned uranium mine closures evaluation and recommendations / 1988
Capture Locations of Rare Fish in the Upper Colorado River System. 1978
Causes of fluctuations in the rate of discharge of Clear Lake Springs, Millard County, Utah / 1967
Causes of Shallow Ground-water Problems in part of Spanish Valley, Grand County, Utah 1988
Center for Environmental Information and Statistics. 1998
Central Utah Project : stream habitat studies on the Uinta & Ashley National Forests / 1972
Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit Final Environmental Impact Statement 1973
Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Review Comments 1973
Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit, Municipal and Industrial System, Draft Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement 1986
Central Utah Project Initial Phase, Bonneville Unit, Appendix E - Agricultural Economy 1964
Central Utah Project Initial Phase, Bonneville Unit, Appendix G - Financial and Economic Analyses 1964
Central Utah Project, Uintah Unit (proposed), ultimate phase, Ashley National Forest, Roosevelt Ranger District : impact report. 1970
Characteristics of aquifers in the northern Uinta Basin area, Utah and Colorado / 1976
Characterization of visibility-reducing aerosols in the Southwest : Project VISTTA progress report no. 1 / 1979
Chemical and physical characteristics of water and sediment in Scofield Reservoir, Carbon County, Utah / 1985
Chemical composition of ground water, hydrologic properties of basin-fill material, and ground-water movement in Salt Lake Valley, Utah / 1995
Chemical Quality and Flow Measurements of the Waters of Little Bear River, Blacksmith Fork, Logan River, Little Logan River, Eight Springs Creek, Logan City Sewer Pond, Cub River, Bear River, Malad River in Cache County & Box Elder County, Utah 1958
Chemical quality of ground water in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1969-85 1987
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