Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 18
Showing: Items 1 - 18
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Utah Lake Utah)

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of the phytoplankton along established permanent transects in Utah Lake, Utah, U.S.A. / 1981
An introduction to the algal floras of Utah Lake, Utah / 1980
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System 1998
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Hydrology & Water Resources Technical Report 1998
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Special-Status Species Technical Report 1998
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Utah Lake Hydrology Technical Report 1998
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Wetland Resources Technical Report 1998
Draft Environmental Impact Statement Spanish Fork Canyon-Nephi Irrigation System, Draft Wildlife Resources Technical Report 1998
Ecological aspects of the sponge and bryozoa in Utah Lake, Utah / 1982
Environmental evaluation of the Utah Lake - Jordan River basin : final report WQ5ACO71 1975
Jordan River Study Utah. June-August, 1972. 1973
Quantity and quality of Goshen Bay inflows : (WHAB phase I report #1) / 1980
Report on Utah Lake, Utah County, Utah : EPA Region VIII / 1977
Utah Lake : legacy / 2002
Utah Lake littoral community analyses: October 1978 / 1981
Utah Lake transect zooplankton analysis / 1981
Water quality effect of diking a shallow arid-region lake / 1975
Winter phytoplankton communities of Goshen Bay, Utah Lake, Utah / 1980

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