Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Urbanization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analyzing Organizational Conflicts in Water Resource Management. A Systematic Approach. 1972
Applicability of the Interceptor Waterway Concept to the Rookery Bay Area. 1973
Approaches to Stormwater Management. 1973
Atmospheric environment Urban atmosphere. 1990
Atmospheric turbidity over the United States from 1967-1976 / 1982
Beyond sprawl : land management techniques to protect the Chesapeake Bay : a handbook for local governments / 1997
Biodiversity and landscape planning : alternative futures for the region of Camp Pendleton, California / 1996
Biodiversity and smart growth : sprawl threatens our natural heritage / 2002
Bright Breathing Edges of City Life. Planning for Amenity Benefits of Urban Water Resources. 1971
Brownfields Pilot - Stockton, Ca. 1996
Building a healthy city : a practitioners' guide : a step-by-step approach to implementing healthy city projects in low-income countries : a manual / 1995
Building better II a guide to America's best new development projects : clean water edition. {electronic resource} : 2005
Changing land use patterns in the coastal zone : managing environmental quality in rapidly developing regions / 2006
Cities in our future : growth and form, environmental health and social equity / 1997
Citistates how urban America can prosper in a competitive world / 1993
Citizen Panel for Atlanta Area Studies: Field Experimentation and Methodological Substudies. 1971
Climate Change Governance and Adaptation : Case Studies from South Asia / 2018
Clinical handbook of air pollution-related diseases / 2018
Community Well-Being as a Factor in Urban Land Use Planning. 1974
Computer assisted area source emissions (CAASE) gridding procedure (revised) : IBM 370/OS version user's manual / 1978
Constructing Metropolitan Space : Actors, Policies and Processes of Rescaling in World Metropolises / 2018
Coordination of Agricultural and Urban Water Quality Management in the Utah Lake Drainage Area. 1973
Determination of Discharge-Frequency Relationships Utilizing Non-Linear Hydrographs and a Modified Rational Formula. 1973
Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Quantifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. 2008
Direct and indirect impacts of urbanization on wetland quality : wetlands & watersheds article #1 / 2006
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Urbanization on Wetland Quality. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 1. 2006
Ecological Evaluation of Stream Eutrophication. 1973
Economic Analysis of Erosion and Sediment Control Methods for Watersheds Undergoing Urbanization. 1972
Ecosystem impacts of urbanization assessment methodology / 1976
Effect of riparian areas on the ecological condition of small, perennial streams in agricultural landscapes of the Willamette Valley {Microfiche} 1997
Effect of urban growth on streamflow regimen of Permanente Creek, Santa Clara County, California 1964
Effect of urbanization on sedimentation in the Clinton River Basin 1967
Effects of urban development on direct runoff to East Meadow Brook, Nassau County, Long Island, New York, 1969
Effects of Urbanization and Stormwater Runoff on the Food Quality in Two Salmonid Streams. 1981
Effects of urbanization on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in streams, Anchorage, Alaska {electronic resource} / 2001
Effects of urbanization on floods in the Dallas, Texas metropolitan area / 1974
Effects of urbanization on stream channels and stream flow, 1973
Effects of Urbanization on Stream Channels and Stream Flow. 1973
Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems / 2005
Effects of urbanization on streamflow and sediment transport in the Rock Creek and Anacostia River basins, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1962-74 / 1978
Effects of urbanization on the water resources of the Sun Valley-Ketchum area, Blaine County, Idaho / 1975
Environment and urbanization. 1989
Environmental health in urban development : report of a WHO Expert Committee. 1990
Environmental management and urban vulnerability 1992
Evaluation of the Report on Interceptor Sewers and Suburban Sprawl. 1975
Evaluation of Urban Flood Plains. 1973
Evolution in Lake Tai Ecosystems as a Result of Global Environmental Changes and Human Activities. 1996
Forestry in the Midst of Global Changes / 2018
Forests on the edge : housing development on America's private forests / 2005
Guidance manual for implementing municipal storm water management programs : planning and administration / 1999
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