Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Urbanisme)

Select Item Title Year Published
A green strategy for the greater Toronto waterfront : background and issues : a discussion paper / 1990
Community planning : an introduction to the comprehensive plan / 1999
Compact cities : sustainable urban forms for developing countries / 2000
Index to the first interim report of the Royal Commission on the future of the Toronto Waterfront, August 1989 1990
Journal of urban planning and development. 1983
Regeneration, Toronto's waterfront and the sustainable city : final report. 1992
The environmental advantages of cities : countering commonsense antiurbanism / 2013
The key to sustainable cities : meeting human needs, transforming community systems / 2003
The professional practice of environmental management / 1989
Toward sustainable communities : resources for citizens and their governments / 1998
Transportation & land use innovations : when you can't pave your way out of congestion / 1997
Urban regions : ecology and planning beyond the city / 2008
Urban waterfront industry planning and developing green enterprise for the 21st century : symposium report / 1990

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