Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 91
Showing: Items 51 - 91
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Urban runoff Management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Operation, maintenance and management of stormwater management systems / 1997
Our urban environment / 2002
Permeable Pavement Parking Lot Demonstration Site. 2010
Plants for stormwater design : species selection for the upper Midwest / 2003
Porous asphalt pavements for stormwater management : design, construction, and maintenance guide / 2008
Practical modeling of urban water systems / 2003
Preventive approaches to stormwater management / project officer, Dennis N. Athayde. 1977
Rain Garden Demonstration Site. 2010
Regional stormwater management planning / 1991
Reliable modeling of urban water systems / 2008
Seminar publication : National Conference on Urban Runoff Management : enhancing urban watershed management at the local, county, and state levels / 1995
Special panel on combined sewer overflows and storm water management in the District of Columbia. 1998
Storm water : asset not liability / 1999
Stormwater BMP design : supplement for cold climates / 1997
Stormwater control benefits of managed floodplains and wetlands. 1990
Stormwater conveyance modeling and design / 2003
Stormwater management ordinances for local governments / 1990
Stormwater non-potable beneficial uses and effects on urban infrastructure / 2012
Stormwater pollution abatement technologies / 1994
Technical guidance on implementing the stormwater runoff requirements for federal projects under section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act. 2009
The practice of watershed protection / 2000
The practice of watershed protection / 2002
Urban and highway snowmelt : minimizing the impact on receiving water, Project 94-IRM-2 / 1999
Urban and highway stormwater pollution : concepts and engineering / 2010
Urban BMP cost and effectiveness summary data for 6217(g) guidance : post-construction stormwater runoff treatment. 1993
Urban flood mitigation and stormwater management / 2017
Urban hydrology, hydraulics, and stormwater quality : engineering applications and computer modeling / 2003
Urban runoff impacts to receiving waters / 1991
Urban runoff quality management 1998
Urban stormwater BMP performance monitoring a guidance manual for meeting the national stormwater BMP database requirements / {electronic resource} : 2002
Urban stormwater management in the United States / 2009
Urban stormwater management planning with analytical probabilistic models / 2000
Urban stormwater management tools / 2004
Urban watersheds : geology, contamination, and sustainable development / 2011
Urbanization and water quality : a guide to protecting the urban environment / 1994
Uses of wetlands in stormwater management / 1990
Using smart growth techniques as stormwater best management practices. 2005
Viability of freshwater wetlands for urban surface water management and nonpoint pollution control : an annotated bibliography / 1986
Water centric sustainable communities : planning, retrofitting, and building the next urban environment / 2010
Water management system : Region 6. 1982
Wet-weather flow in the urban watershed : technology and management / 2003
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