Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 7
Showing: Items 1 - 7
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Urban revitalization)

Select Item Title Year Published
Brownfields federal programs guide [electronic resource]. 2011
Environmental justice, urban revitalization, and brownfields : the search for authentic signs of hope. 1996
Mothballed Brownfields: Successful Approaches to Revitalization. 2007
Opportunities For Petroleum Brownfields. 2011
Setting the Stage for Leveraging Resources for Brownfields Revitalization. 2016
Social aspects of brownfields redevelopment in cities : U.S.-German Bilateral Working Group (4 of 6) Liepzig, Germany, June 2004 / 2004
U.S. EPA's Petroleum Brownfields Action Plan: Promoting Revitalization and Sustainability. 2008

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