Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Urban areas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Biological significance of some metals as air pollutants : part II: mercury / 1978
BMP Modeling Concepts and Simulation. 2006
Boundary Layer Transport of NOx and O3 from Baltimore, Maryland: A Case Study. 1984
Budd Inlet action plan : initial data summaries and problem identification / 1988
Buffalo Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1968
Calculating Future Carbon Monoxide Emissions and Concentrations from Urban Traffic Data. 1967
Calculation of day-night levels (Ldn) resulting from highway traffic / 1982
Carbon monoxide analysis of future attainment of the NAAQS in Wichita, Kansas / 1985
Carbon monoxide episodes / 1981
Carbon Monoxide Hot Spot Guidelines. Volume II: Rationale. 1978
Carbon Monoxide Hot Spot Guidelines. Volume III: Workbook. 1978
Carbon monoxide measurements in the vicinity of sports stadiums / 1973
Carbon monoxide monitoring network design methodology : application in the Las Vegas Valley / 1978
Carpools, Vanpools, and High Occupancy Preference Lanes: Cost Effectiveness and Feasibility. 1977
Cascade Impactor Network. 1972
Case studies of transit energy and air pollution impacts / 1976
Case study of particulate emissions from semi-suspension incineration of municipal refuse : final report. 1976
Causal analysis of biological impairment in Long Creek : a sandy-bottomed stream in coastal southern Maine. 2007
CDM2: Climatological Dispersion Medel, Version 2.0 (on Diskette). 1997
Characteristics and treatability of urban runoff residuals. / 1982
Characteristics of nonpoint source urban runoff and its effects on stream ecosystems / 1980
Characteristics of Particulate Patterns, 1957-1966. 1970
Characteristics of Vertical Turbulent Velocities in the Urban Convective Boundary Layer. 1986
Characterization and Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1975
Characterization and treatment of urban land runoff / 1974
Characterization of Washington, D.C. carbon monoxide problem / 1977
Characterizing and controlling urban runoff through street and sewerage cleaning / 1985
Charaterization of Nonpoint Sources and Loadings to the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. 1996
Charlotte Metropolitan Area Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1970
Chattanooga, Tennessee--Rossville, Georgia, interstate air quality study, 1967-1968 / 1970
Chemical Reactions and Transport of Alkanes and Their Products in the Troposphere. 1991
Chemiluminescent Ozone Measurement Program--Ozone Total Oxidant Relationship in Ambient Air. 1969
Chemistry of Oxidant Formation: Implications for Designing Effective Control Strategies. 1987
Chesapeake Bay area nutrient management programs : an overview / 1996
Chesapeake Bay Basin Toxics Loading and Release Inventory. 1999
Chesapeake Bay Basin Toxics Loading and Release Inventory. Appendices A, B and C. 1999
Chesapeake Bay Basin Toxics Loading and Release Inventory: Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Commitment Report. 1994
Chesapeake Bay Basin Toxics Loading and Release Inventory: Technical Update - Point Source Loads by Facility. 1994
Chesapeake Bay nonpoint source programs / 1988
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Land Uses and Linkages to the Airshed and Estuarine Models. 2000
Cheyenne, Wyoming Area Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1970
Chittenden County Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1969
Chloride Pollution of the Great Lakes. 1983
Clean Air Act requirements for trace metals and air toxics information / 1992
Clean Water for Mid-America. 1970
Climate, Air Pollution and Public Health: Estimating Morbidity and Mortality from Fossil Fuel Consumption in Major Urban Areas in Developing Countries. Final Summary Report. 2004
Climatological Dispersion Model (CDM 2.0) (for Microcomputers). 1997
Climatology of Stagnating Anticyclones East of the Rocky Mountains, 1936-1965. 1967
Closer Look at Our Neighbors to the South: Air Quality Trends, Standards, and Monitoring Programs of Latin American Countries. 1997
Cloud Chemistry and Occurrence in the Western United States: A Synopsis of Current Information. 1989
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